Super Finance Glossary


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Performance Evaluation
Definition: The assessment of a manager's results, which involves, first, determining whether the money manager added value by outperforming the established benchmark (performance measurement) and, second, determining how the money manager achieved the calculated return (performance attribution analysis).
Performance Fund
Definition: A growth-oriented mutual fund investing in growth stock and performance stock with low dividends and high risk.
Performance Index
Definition: A risk-adjusted measure of how well a portfolio has performed.
Performance Measurement
Definition: Calculation of the return a money manager realizes over some time interval.
Performance Shares
Definition: Shares of stock paid out to managers only if the company makes certain sales, earnings per share, or other similar criteria.
Performance Stock
Definition: High-growth stock in a company that retains earnings for further growth and therefore pays no dividends, but that an investor feels has significant future potential.
Period Of Digestion
Definition: The time period of often high volatility after a new issue is released when the trading price of the security is established by the market.
Period-certain Annuity
Definition: An annuity that provides guaranteed payments to an annuitant for a specified period of time.
Periodic Call Auction
Definition: Selling stocks by bid at intervals throughout the day.
Periodic Payment Plan
Definition: Accumulation of capital in a mutual fund by making regular payments on a monthly or quarterly basis.
Periodic Payments
Definition: A series of payments from an annuity, qualified retirement plan, or 403(b)(7) account made over a certain term of years. A payment from an IRA, even if over a period of years, is not considered a periodic payment for tax purposes.
Periodic Purchase Deferred Contract
Definition: A fixed or variable annuity contract for which fixed-amount premiums are paid either monthly or quarterly, and that does not begin paying out until a time elected by the annuitant.
Periodic Rate
Definition: The monthly effective interest rate. For example, the periodic rate on a credit card with an 18% annual percentage rate is 1.5% per month.
Definition: Principal Exchange-Rated-Linked Securities.
Permanent Assets
Definition: Fixed assets (plant and equipment) and permanent current assets.
Permanent Current Assets
Definition: The minimum level of current assets that a firm needs to continue operation. Because some level is always maintained, they are called permanent current assets.
Permanent Financing
Definition: Long-term financing using either debt or equity.
Permanent Mortgage
Definition: A mortgage for a long period of time (over 10 years) in contrast to an interim loan or a construction loan. A permanent mortgage commitment is often needed before a construction loan can be arranged.
Permanent Spontaneous Current Liabilities
Definition: The minimum level of spontaneous liabilities that is always maintained by a firm.
Permissiable Nonbank Activities
Definition: Financial activities closely related to banking that may be engaged in by bank holding companies (BHCs), either directly or through nonbank subsidiaries. For example, a BHC might own finance companies or engage in mortgage banking. The Federal Reserve Board determines which activities are closely related to banking. Before making such activities permissible, the Board must determine that performance of the activities by bank holding companies is in the public interest.