Super Finance Glossary
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Per Capita Debt
Definition: The total bonded debt of a municipality divided by the population of the municipality.
Definition: The total bonded debt of a municipality divided by the population of the municipality.
Per Stirpes
Definition: A method for distributing the assets of an individual who dies without a valid will. The Latin means for each descendant.
Definition: A method for distributing the assets of an individual who dies without a valid will. The Latin means for each descendant.
Percent To Double
Definition: Percentage that the stock price has to rise (fall) to double the price of the call (put).
Definition: Percentage that the stock price has to rise (fall) to double the price of the call (put).
Percentage Financial Statement
Definition: Balance sheet and income statement represented as percentages.
Definition: Balance sheet and income statement represented as percentages.
Percentage Order
Definition: Used for listed equity securities. Market limited price order to buy/sell a specified percentage (usually 50%) of shares traded (sometimes after a fixed number of shares of the stock have already traded). See: participating buyer/seller, "Participate but do not initiate."
Definition: Used for listed equity securities. Market limited price order to buy/sell a specified percentage (usually 50%) of shares traded (sometimes after a fixed number of shares of the stock have already traded). See: participating buyer/seller, "Participate but do not initiate."
Percentage Premium
Definition: Applies mainly to convertible securities. Premium over parity of a convertible bond divided by parity.
Definition: Applies mainly to convertible securities. Premium over parity of a convertible bond divided by parity.
Perfect Capital Market
Definition: A market in which there are never any arbitrage opportunities.
Definition: A market in which there are never any arbitrage opportunities.
Perfect Competition
Definition: An idealized market environment in which every market participant is too small to affect the market price by acting on its own.
Definition: An idealized market environment in which every market participant is too small to affect the market price by acting on its own.
Perfect Forecast Line
Definition: Graph of a slope that matches the forecast of an exchange rate with the actual exchange rate.
Definition: Graph of a slope that matches the forecast of an exchange rate with the actual exchange rate.
Perfect Hedge
Definition: A situation in which the profit and loss from the underlying asset and the hedge position are equal.
Definition: A situation in which the profit and loss from the underlying asset and the hedge position are equal.
Perfect Market Assumptions
Definition: Conditions under which the law of one price holds. The assumptions include frictionless markets, rational investors, and equal access to market prices and information.
Definition: Conditions under which the law of one price holds. The assumptions include frictionless markets, rational investors, and equal access to market prices and information.
Perfect Market View (of Capital Structure)
Definition: Analysis of a firm's capital structure decision, which shows the irrelevance of capital structure in a perfect capital market.
Definition: Analysis of a firm's capital structure decision, which shows the irrelevance of capital structure in a perfect capital market.
Perfect Market View (of Dividend Policy)
Definition: Analysis of a decision on dividend policy, in a perfect capital market environment, that shows the irrelevance of dividend policy.
Definition: Analysis of a decision on dividend policy, in a perfect capital market environment, that shows the irrelevance of dividend policy.
Perfected First Lien
Definition: A first attachment on an asset that is duly recorded with the relevant government body so that the lender will be able to act on it should the borrower default.
Definition: A first attachment on an asset that is duly recorded with the relevant government body so that the lender will be able to act on it should the borrower default.
Perfectly Competitive Financial Markets
Definition: Markets in which no trader has the power to change the price of goods or services. Perfect capital markets are characterized by certain conditions: (1) Trading is cost less, and access to the financial markets is free; (2) information about borrowing and lending opportunities is freely available; and (3) there are many traders, and no single trader can have a significant impact on market prices.
Definition: Markets in which no trader has the power to change the price of goods or services. Perfect capital markets are characterized by certain conditions: (1) Trading is cost less, and access to the financial markets is free; (2) information about borrowing and lending opportunities is freely available; and (3) there are many traders, and no single trader can have a significant impact on market prices.
Performance Accelerated Restricted Stock Award Plans ("PARSAPs")
Definition: Also known as performance-accelerated restricted stock ("PARS") and time-accelerated restricted stock award plans ("TARSAPs"). Grants of restricted stock or restricted stock units which may vest early upon attainment of specified performance objectives. Otherwise, a time-vesting schedule would remain in effect.
Definition: Also known as performance-accelerated restricted stock ("PARS") and time-accelerated restricted stock award plans ("TARSAPs"). Grants of restricted stock or restricted stock units which may vest early upon attainment of specified performance objectives. Otherwise, a time-vesting schedule would remain in effect.
Performance Attribution Analysis
Definition: The decomposition of a money manager's performance results to explain the reasons why those results were achieved. This analysis seeks to answer questions such as: (1) What were the major sources of added value? (2) Was short-term factor timing statistically significant? (3) Was market timing statistically significant? and (4), was security selection statistically significant?
Definition: The decomposition of a money manager's performance results to explain the reasons why those results were achieved. This analysis seeks to answer questions such as: (1) What were the major sources of added value? (2) Was short-term factor timing statistically significant? (3) Was market timing statistically significant? and (4), was security selection statistically significant?
Performance Bond
Definition: A surety bond between two parties, insuring one party against loss if the terms of a contract are not fulfilled. Usually part of a construction contract or supply agreement.
Definition: A surety bond between two parties, insuring one party against loss if the terms of a contract are not fulfilled. Usually part of a construction contract or supply agreement.