Super Finance Glossary


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Perpendicular Spread
Definition: Option strategy involving the purchase of options with similar expiration dates and different exercise prices.
Perpetual Bond
Definition: Nonredeemable bond with no maturity date that pays regular interest rates indefinitely.
Perpetual Inventory
Definition: Recordkeeping system in which book inventory is updated daily.
Perpetual Warrants
Definition: Warrants that have no expiration date.
Definition: A constant stream of identical cash flows without end, such as a British consol.
Definition: Personal benefits, including direct benefits, such as the use of a firm car or expense account for personal business, and indirect benefits, such as up-to-date office decoration.
Personal Article Floater
Definition: Insurance policy attachment designed to cover specified personal valuables.
Personal Exemption
Definition: Amount of money a taxpayer can exclude from personal income for each member of the household in calculation of a tax obligation.
Personal Identification Number (PIN)
Definition: Allow taxpayers to "sign" their tax returns electronically. The PIN, a five-digit self-selected number, ensures that electronically submitted tax returns are authentic. Most taxpayers can qualify to use a PIN.
Personal Income
Definition: Total income received from all sources, including wages, salaries, or rents, and the like.
Personal Inflation Rate
Definition: The inflation rate as it affects a specific individual.
Personal Investment Corporation (PIC)
Definition: A PIC is a term used in the banking industry to refer to an IBC. PICs are generally created for the private bank's client in order to hold the client's investment assets. A PIC and an IBC are analogous.
Personal Property
Definition: Any assets other than real estate.
Personal Tax View (of Capital Structure)
Definition: The argument that the difference in personal tax rates between income from debt and income from equity eliminates the disadvantage of the double taxation (corporate and personal) of income from equity.
Personal Trust
Definition: An interest in an asset held by a trustee for the benefit of another person.
Definition: Deposits by countries that receive dollar revenues from the sale of petroleum to other countries; the term commonly refers to OPEC deposits of dollars in the Eurocurrency market.
Definition: The two-character ISO 3166 country code for FRENCH POLYNESIA.
Definition: The two-character ISO 3166 country code for PAPUA NEW GUINEA.
Definition: The ISO 4217 currency code for the Papua New Guinea Kina.
Definition: The two-character ISO 3166 country code for PHILIPPINES.