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Derivatives Clearing Organization

A clearing organization or similar entity that, in respect to a contract

(1) enables each party to the contract to substitute, through novation or otherwise, the credit of the derivatives clearing organization for the credit of the parties;

(2) arranges or provides, on a multilateral basis, for the settlement or netting of obligations resulting from such contracts; or

(3) otherwise provides clearing services or arrangements that mutualize or transfer among participants in the derivatives clearing organization the credit risk arising from such contracts.

Derivatives Transaction Execution Facility (DTEF)
Definition: A board of trade that is registered with the CFTC as a DTEF. A DTEF is subject to fewer regulatory requirements than a Contract Market. To qualify as a DTEF, an exchange can only trade certain commodities (including excluded commodities and other commodities with very high levels of deliverable supply) and generally must exclude retail participants (retail participants may trade on DTEFs through Futures Commission Merchants with adjusted net capital of at least $20 million or registered Commodity Trading Advisors that direct trading for accounts containing total assets of at least $25 million). See Derivatives Transaction Execution Facilities.
Definition: Abbreviation for "Delivered Ex Ship."
Descending Tops
Definition: A chart pattern which in which each successive peak in a security's price is lower than the preceding peak over a period of time. Antithesis of ascending tops.
Definition: A variable describing assets, used as an element of a risk index. For example, a volatility risk index, distinguishing high volatility assets from low volatility assets, could consist of several descriptors based on short term volatility, long term volatility, systematic and residual volatility, etc.
Design Risk
Definition: The risk associated with the impact on project cash flow from deficiencies in design or engineering. Also known as engineering risk.
Designated Order Turnaround System (DOT)
Definition: Computerized order entry system that allows orders to buy or sell large baskets of stock to be transmitted immediately to the specialist on the exchange, where execution will occur quickly, depending on the basket size. Also used for odd-lot transactions to occur at the prices and quantities available. See: AOS.
Designated Self-Regulatory Organization (DSRO)
Definition: Self-regulatory organizations (i.e., the commodity exchanges and registered futures associations) must enforce minimum financial and reporting requirements for their members, among other responsibilities outlined in the CFTC 's regulations. When a Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) is a member of more than one SRO, the SROs may decide among themselves which of them will assume primary responsibility for these regulatory duties and, upon approval of the plan by the Commission, be appointed the "designated self-regulatory organization" for that FCM.
Definition: The New York Federal Reserve Bank's trading desk (or securities department) where all transactions of the Federal Reserve System are executed in the money market or the government securities market.
Detachable Warrant
Definition: A warrant entitles the holder to buy a given number of shares of stock at a stipulated price. A detachable warrant is one that may be sold separately from the package it may have originally been issued with (usually a bond).
Detached House
Definition: A housing unit surrounded by freestanding walls and generally seated on a separate lot.
Definition: Fully ordained in advance. A deterministic chaos system is one that gives random looking results, even though the results are generated from a system of equations.
Deterministic Models
Definition: Liability-matching models that assume that the liability payments and the asset cash flows are known with certainty. Related: Stochastic models.
Definition: To remove the general drift, tendency, or bent of a set of statistical data as related to time. Often accomplished by regressing a variable or a time index and perhaps the square of the time index and capturing the residuals. A stochastic detrend would be to subtract a moving-average (say for five years) from the value of the variable.
Deutsche Börse
Definition: Germany's major securities market, including the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
Deutsche Börse AG (DBAG)
Definition: Deutsche Börse AG (DBAG) is the operating company for the German cash and derivatives markets. It has four subsidiaries: Deutsche Börse Clearing AG, Deutsche Börse Systems AG, Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (FWB), and the derivatives market, EUREX Deutschland (formerly the Deutsche Terminbörse ).
Deutsche Terminbörse (DTB)
Definition: Formerly the German financial futures and options market. Merged with the Swiss Options and Financial Futures Exchange (SOFFEX) in 1998 to form EUREX, the European derivatives exchange.
Definition: A decrease in the spot price of a currency. Often initiated by a government announcement.
Diagonal Spread
Definition: An options strategy requiring a long and a short position in the same class of option at different strike prices and different expiration dates. For example, buying an XYZ April 50 call and selling an XYZ July 55 call. See: Calendar spread;vertical spread.