Super Finance Glossary


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Dialing For Dollars
Definition: A term used to describe the practice of cold calling, but which has negative implications as it is frequently applied to salespeople selling speculative or fraudulent investments.
Definition: Units of interest in the diamonds trust, a unit investment trust that serves as an index to the Dow Jones Industrial Average in that its holdings consist of the 30 component stocks of the Dow.
Definition: Short version of Euro rate differential, which is a Chicago Mercantile Exchange Futures contract that is founded on the interest rate spread between the U.S. dollar and the British pound, the German mark, or the Japanese yen.
Difference Check
Definition: The difference in interest payments that is paid to a swap counterparty to close out a deal.
Difference From S&P
Definition: A mutual fund's return minus the change in the Standard & Poor's 500 index for the same time period. A notation of -5.00 means the fund return is 5 percentage points less than the gain in the S&P, while 0.00 means that the fund and the S&P have the same return.
Definition: A small charge added to the purchase price and subtracted from the selling price by the dealer for odd-lot quantities.
Differential Disclosure
Definition: The practice of reporting conflicting or markedly different information in official corporate statements including annual and quarterly reports and 10-Ks and 10-Qs.
Differential Swap
Definition: Swap between two LIBOR rates of interest, e.g., yen LIBOR for dollar LIBOR Payments are in one currency.
Definition: The discount (premium) allowed for grades or locations of a commodity lower (higher) than the par of basis grade or location specified in the futures contact. See Allowances.
Diffusion Process
Definition: A conception of the way a stock's price changes that assumes that the price takes on all intermediate values.
Digits Deleted
Definition: Designation on securities exchange tape meaning that because the tape has been delayed, some digits have been dropped (e.g., 26 1/2 becomes 6 1/2).
Definition: Diminution in the proportion of income to which each share is entitled.
Dilution Protection
Definition: Standard provision that changes the conversion ratio in the case of a stock dividend or extraordinary distribution to avoid dilution of a convertible bondholder's potential equity position. Adjustment usually requires a split or stock dividend in excess of 5% or issuance of stock below book value.
Dilutive Effect
Definition: Result of a transaction that decreases earnings per common share (EPS).
Definition: Slight drop in securities prices after a sustained uptrend. Analysts often advise investors to buy on dips, meaning to buy when a price is momentarily weak. See: Correction, break, crash.
Direct Claim
Definition: A financial claim issued by a deficit unit to acquire funds for investment in real assets.
Direct Costs Of Financial Distress
Definition: Costs such as fees or penalties incurred as a result of bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings.
Direct Deposit
Definition: A method of payment which electronically credits your checking or savings account.