Super Finance Glossary
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Definition: Internal control that reduces risk of a control weakness.
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Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)
Definition: Enacted by Congress in 1977, the CRA encourages banks to help meet the credit needs of their communities for housing and other purposes, particularly in neighborhoods with low or moderate incomes, while maintaining safe and sound operations.
Definition: Enacted by Congress in 1977, the CRA encourages banks to help meet the credit needs of their communities for housing and other purposes, particularly in neighborhoods with low or moderate incomes, while maintaining safe and sound operations.
Comnmunity Bank
Definition: A smaller bank that is regulated by the Office of the Comptroller of Currency (OCC).Currently, there is no official definition of Community Bank, i.e. in terms of asset size.
Definition: A smaller bank that is regulated by the Office of the Comptroller of Currency (OCC).Currently, there is no official definition of Community Bank, i.e. in terms of asset size.
Companion Bonds
Definition: A class of a Collateralized Mortgage Obligation (CMO) whose principal is paid off first when the underlying mortgages are prepaid due to falling interest rates. When interest rates rise, there will be lower prepayments of the principal; companion bonds therefore absorb most of the prepayment risk of a CMO.
Definition: A class of a Collateralized Mortgage Obligation (CMO) whose principal is paid off first when the underlying mortgages are prepaid due to falling interest rates. When interest rates rise, there will be lower prepayments of the principal; companion bonds therefore absorb most of the prepayment risk of a CMO.
Definition: A proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or other form of enterprise that engages in business.
Definition: A proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or other form of enterprise that engages in business.
Company Doctor
Definition: An executive, usually appointed from outside, brought in to turn a company around and make it profitable.
Definition: An executive, usually appointed from outside, brought in to turn a company around and make it profitable.
Comparative Advantage
Definition: Theory suggesting that specialization by countries can increase worldwide production.
Definition: Theory suggesting that specialization by countries can increase worldwide production.
Comparative Credit Analysis
Definition: Comparing a firm to others that have a desired target debt rating in order to deduce an appropriate financial ratio target.
Definition: Comparing a firm to others that have a desired target debt rating in order to deduce an appropriate financial ratio target.
Comparative Statements
Definition: Financial statements for different periods, that allow the comparison of figures to illustrate trends in a company's performance.
Definition: Financial statements for different periods, that allow the comparison of figures to illustrate trends in a company's performance.
Definition: Short for "comparison ticket," a memorandum between two brokers that confirms the details of a transaction to be carried out.
Definition: Short for "comparison ticket," a memorandum between two brokers that confirms the details of a transaction to be carried out.
Comparison Universe
Definition: A group of money managers of similar investment style used to assess relative performance of a portfolio manager.
Definition: A group of money managers of similar investment style used to assess relative performance of a portfolio manager.
Compensating Balance
Definition: An excess balance that is left in a bank to provide indirect compensation for loans extended or services provided.
Definition: An excess balance that is left in a bank to provide indirect compensation for loans extended or services provided.
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Compensating ControlDefinition: Internal control that reduces risk of a control weakness.
Definition: Arrangement under which the delivery of goods to a party is paid for by buying back a certain amount of the product from the recipient of the goods.
Definition: Arrangement under which the delivery of goods to a party is paid for by buying back a certain amount of the product from the recipient of the goods.
Compensation Trade
Definition: The form of countertrade in which an incoming investment is repaid from the revenues generated by that investment.
Definition: The form of countertrade in which an incoming investment is repaid from the revenues generated by that investment.
Compensatory Financing Facility (CFF)
Definition: Entity that attempts to reduce the impact of export instability on country economies.
Definition: Entity that attempts to reduce the impact of export instability on country economies.
Definition: Sufficient ability or fitness for one's needs. The necessary abilities to be qualified to achieve a certain goal or complete a project.
Definition: Sufficient ability or fitness for one's needs. The necessary abilities to be qualified to achieve a certain goal or complete a project.
Definition: Intra- or intermarket rivalry between or among businesses trying to obtain a larger piece of the same market share.
Definition: Intra- or intermarket rivalry between or among businesses trying to obtain a larger piece of the same market share.
Competition Ahead
Definition: Often used in risk arbitrage. Situation whereby another OTC market maker has transacted with investment bank at the stated market level before the bid/offer has been made.
Definition: Often used in risk arbitrage. Situation whereby another OTC market maker has transacted with investment bank at the stated market level before the bid/offer has been made.
Competitive Bidders
Definition: One of two categories of bidders on Treasury securities: competitive and noncompetitive. Competitive bidders are usually financial institutions.
Definition: One of two categories of bidders on Treasury securities: competitive and noncompetitive. Competitive bidders are usually financial institutions.