Super Finance Glossary


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Competitive Bidding
Definition: A securities offering process in which securities firms submit competing bids to the issuer for the securities the issuer wishes to sell.
Competitive Offering
Definition: An offering of securities through competitive bidding.
Complementary Financing
Definition: A type of financing in which different lenders agree to fund under similar yet parallel documentation and a pro rata security package.
Definition: In the context of general equities, to fill an order.
Complete Capital Market
Definition: A market in which there is a distinctive marketable security for each and every possible outcome.
Complete Portfolio
Definition: The entire portfolio, including risky and risk-free assets.
Definition: In the context of project financing, occurs after a Completion Test, when the project's cash flows become the primary method of repayment. Prior to completion, the primary source of repayment is usually from the sponsors or from the turnkey contractor.
Completion Bonding
Definition: Insurance that a construction contract will be completed successfully.
Completion Risk
Definition: The risk that a project will not be brought into operation successfully or be able to pass its completion test.
Completion Test
Definition: A test of the project's ability to perform as planned and generate the expected cash flows. After the completion test, the project can move from recourse to project financing.
Completion Undertaking
Definition: An undertaking either (1) to complete a project so that it meets certain specified performance criteria on or before a certain specified date, or (2) to repay project debt if the completion test cannot be met.
Complexity Theory
Definition: The theory that processes with a large number of seemingly independent agents can spontaneously organize themselves into a coherent system.
Compliance Department
Definition: A department in all organized stock exchanges to ensure that all companies, traders, and brokerage firms comply with Securities and Exchange Commission and exchange rules and regulations.
Composite Tape
Definition: See: Tape
Definition: Voluntary arrangement to restructure a firm's debt, under which payment is reduced.
Compound Annual Growth Rate
Definition: Annual return calculated based on each year's previous balances where each previous balance includes both the original principal and all interest accrued from prior years. Best defined by example. If you invest $100 today and make 5% in the first year and reinvest ($105) and make 8% in the second year, the compound annual growth rate is 6.489%. The calculation is $100x1.05x1.08=$113.4 which is what you end up with at the end of year two. The average return is [square root(113.4/100) -1]= 0.06489 or 6.489%. Note 1. If we had three compounding periods we would take the cubic root (power of 1/3). Note 2. If we had invested at exactly 6.489 in both periods, we get $100x1.06489x1.06489=$113.4. Note 3. The example is directed to a return - but CAGR could be applied to earnings growth, GDP growth, etc.
Compound Interest
Definition: Interest paid on previously earned interest as well as on the principal.
Compound Option
Definition: Option on an option.