Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.
1 minute reading time (285 words)

The Benefits of Buying a Smaller Home

Bigger is better when buying a home, right? While many people still believe this to be true, there are others who have come to realize that the “small house revolution” has a lot to offer.

Here are some of the biggest benefits of buying a smaller home:

1. Save on the cost. Generally speaking, the smaller the home the less it will cost. This is not to say that all small homes are cheap, but you definitely have a solid chance of saving money.

2. Save on the cost of utilities. Have you ever considered what it will cost to heat and cool a big home? Have you ever compared this number to the utility expenses of a smaller dwelling? If you want to save money on a monthly basis, one of the best places to start is on utilities.

3. Less maintenance. There is no denying the fact that a smaller home will require less maintenance, which will save you both time and money. Depending on the size of the lot, you may be able to reap the same rewards on the exterior of your home. How would you feel if you were able to cut your entire lawn in 15 minutes or so?

4. Smaller space requires less furnishings. From the bedrooms to the common living areas, you will not require as much furniture and accessories. You can still buy what you want and need, you just won’t require as much. Once again, this leads to saving money.

A growing number of people are shunning large homes in favor of one that is much smaller. With the benefits above, among others, it is easy to see why this trend continues to gain steam.
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