Finance Globe

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Simplify and Save - Clothing

It’s not only fun to get new clothes, but wearing a flattering new outfit can do wonders for your attitude. But to keep up with the ever-changing fashion trends can wreck havoc on your credit card balance. Here’s a few tips on how to keep your wardrobe fresh without going into debt over it:

Develop your own personal style.
You may be a t-shirt and jeans kind of gal or guy, but it doesn’t mean you don’t have a style. It can be expensive to constantly experiment with your look if the new things you buy don’t go with the things you already have. By defining your style before you go shopping, you’ll avoid making purchases that aren’t really you.

Get rid of the closet clutter.
Go through your closet and purge items that don’t fit, don’t flatter, and things that you just don’t like. This way you know exactly what you need when you do go clothes shopping, and you’ll avoid coming back with another grey turtleneck when you already have two. It can be helpful to make a list of items that would complete your wardrobe.

Only buy your best colors and cuts.
Have you ever purchased a really cute top but ended up never wearing it because the color didn’t look right on you or it just wasn’t flattering? Sometimes we fall victim to the sale price and ignore the simple fact that we will probably never wear something outside of the store dressing room. Avoid wasting money this way by knowing what looks good on you before you even try it on.

Don’t buy a piece of clothing unless it looks better on you than what you already have.
Avoid buying something simply for the sake of having variety in your closet. It doesn’t matter if it’s a top unlike any other you own - forget it unless you love the way you look in it.

Don’t buy fancy party clothes unless you have a fancy party to go to.
A glittery sexy ball gown that looks amazing on you for 75% off? Put it back - it’s a waste of money if you didn’t receive an invitation to Prince Charming’s ball.

Stick to classics for the basics - those jeans and t-shirts, for example.
Simple classics aren’t that outstanding and that is their virtue; it will likely go mostly unnoticed if you wear the same basic black top every week. And even if you don’t wear it every week, chances are that you can still wear it stylishly in a year, or even many years down the road.

Avoid being a slave to the trends.
If you buy a trendy new top or pants - even if it’s the hottest thing this season - you won’t be likely to wear it more than once a week or so. And if it’s a really hot trend, you are very unlikely to wear it at all once it goes out of style and becomes dated. You’re likely to get much less mileage out of something that’s very trendy.

But have some fun with a few trendy accessories.
Accessories go a long way in updating your style and keeping your look fresh. Belts, scarfs, wraps, and shoes can all be worn with several different outfits over the week. And, the cost to buy a few key accessories will be a lot lower than to replace your entire trendy wardrobe every season.

Buy some of your clothes used, but not used up.
It’s great to hit the resale shops and thrift stores if you can find a good retailer that has nice quality clothing with plenty of life left in them. Check items carefully before you purchase them, and don’t buy anything that is torn, stained, pilled, has a smell, or looks worn out.

Don’t be lured in by sales.
I’m not saying to avoid sales, but be careful about buying something you don’t need just because it’s on sale. If it looks good on you, and your wardrobe would be improved by buying it, then by all means take advantage of the sale price.

So there you have it - a few tips on getting the most out of your wardrobe. It can be easy to keep from getting bored with your outfits if you know what you have, know what you need, and just spend a little once in a while to keep your look updated.
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