Finance Globe

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Purchase these Things with a Small Business Credit Card

Purchase these Things with a Small Business Credit Card

If you have access to a small business credit card, if you’re comfortable using it to make purchases, it’s a good idea to implement a system in regards to when and how it will be used.

It goes without saying that your credit card should be used for business purposes only. Along with this, you only want to make a purchase when you’re comfortable with the idea that you can pay it off right away or in a relatively quick manner.

With all this in mind, here are three things to purchase with a small business credit card:

1. Office Supplies

Month in and month out, you’ll find that you need to buy office supplies. From printer paper to ink pens, from envelopes to stamps, you know that these expenses will pop up on a regular basis.

Rather than purchase office supplies with cash, check, or a debit card, use your credit card to remain organized and to ensure that you and your staff always have what you need.

2. Travel

Do you find yourself visiting clients in other parts of the world? Do you drive to local meetings, conferences, and other events from time to time?

If you own a small business, there’s a good chance you travel every now and again. This means money spent on plane tickets, gasoline, rental cars, hotel stays, and much more.

A credit card allows you to book travel and manage all these expenses with a high degree of success.

3. Client Entertainment

This may not come about every month, but you know it’s something you’ll face in the future. Maybe you want to take a client to lunch. Or maybe you want to purchase tickets to a sporting event as a way of showing an out of town customer a good time.

Your credit card will allow you to make all these purchases, as well as everything that goes along with it.

This list is far from comprehensive, but it should give you a better understanding of how to use a small business credit card to your advantage.

What other items do you regularly purchase with your business credit card?

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Comments 1

Frank on Wednesday, 26 October 2016 09:49

I purchase anything and everything that will take my credit card. Since I pay it off every month, I try to put everything on there to get as many rewards as I can.

I purchase anything and everything that will take my credit card. Since I pay it off every month, I try to put everything on there to get as many rewards as I can.
Friday, 28 February 2025

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