Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.
2 minutes reading time (421 words)

More Than Half of Americans Concerned About Saving

The National Foundation of Credit Counseling and the Network Branded Prepaid Card Association surveyed American consumers about their financial concerns and 57% answered that they’re worried about their savings. Slightly more of respondents were worried about having an emergency fund than a retirement. Both are important, but the consequences of not having an adequate emergency fund are more imminent for many people than not having retirement savings.

The survey results are on par with other studies about current saving habits. Earlier this year, a survey revealed that only 55% of consumers have more money in savings than in credit card debt. In a 2011 survey, the FDIC found that 29% of U.S. households lack a savings account.

Also on the list of concerns:
  • An inability to pay financial obligations like debt commitments and student loans
  • Not having or not being able to afford health insurance
  • Credit score concerns, including not being able to access credit or being anxious about their credit score
  • Fear of job loss
On a positive note, only 4% of those surveyed said that they’re afraid of losing their home in foreclosure.

When asked to grade themselves on their knowledge of personal finance, 40% of consumers gave themselves a grade of C or lower. Only 20% of people surveyed said they do not have any financial concerns at all.

While the majority of the nation’s school districts lack personal finance curriculum, it’s still possible to become financially literate. You have to take the time to learn on your own. Seek out books from your local library. It’s free and you can typically keep the book for three weeks, possibly more if there isn’t a hold list for that particular title. Bookmark and follow some of the top personal finance blogs and websites. Make it a point to read and learn about personal finance every day.

Keep an eye out for local classes or workshops at your local library, church, or community college. Or seek help from your local non-profit consumer credit counseling agency.

Finances will always be a part of your life, so it’s never too late to start learning about money and how to spend it wisely. No matter if you’ve been mishandling money for decades. You can get rid of those habits and start using some good ones. As you learn, pass the important financial lessons on to your children so they’ll be equipped to handle money responsibly once they begin receiving an allowance or earning from a job.

Source: National Foundation for Credit Counseling
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