Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

How Fed Interest Rate Hikes Affect You?

You may have seen in the news lately how the Federal Reserve has increased the federal funds rate target range. If not, it is important to know in their March 2018 meeting, the Federal Reserve decided to increase its federal funds rate target range by 0.25% to 1.5%-1.75%. While this may not seem like a large increase, it is important to know the increase could affect you in a lot of ways. It can have a...
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2587 Hits

What is a Health Savings Account (HSA) and What are the Benefits?

The landscape of healthcare and healthcare costs are dramatically changing. Many companies are now offering high coverage plans and many are pushing high deductible plans to its employees to help keep costs down and put the “cost ownership” in the individual’s hands. Therefore, Health Savings Accounts or HSA, are becoming very popular. However, many people do not know exactly what they are and what kind of benefits come with Health Savings Accounts. Below is a high-level...
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2688 Hits

What is Cryptocurrency?

No matter where you turn to on the internet, you see articles and articles on Cryptocurrency. Even friends and family are likely pushing you to “invest” in cryptocurrency. However, given the incredibly fast rise of cryptocurrency, do many people even know what cryptocurrency really is? I decided to try to summarize what cryptocurrency is and offer you some additional high level details. What is Cryptocurrency? A cryptocurrency is a digital / virtual currency designed to work...
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  2775 Hits
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Really appreciate your offering all this information in one place. For me it has been so scattered I could not understand. At leas... Read More
Wednesday, 28 February 2018 18:47
This is a great comprehensive introduction.
Wednesday, 28 February 2018 18:54
2775 Hits

How the New Tax Bill Affects You

The new tax bill was signed by President Donald Trump on Friday, December 22, 2017. The tax bill will take affect starting in the 2018 tax year. The final bill is over 500 pages, and while the summary below is not fully exhaustive, below is some highlights of the major changes. It is recommended you speak with a tax expert on how the tax bill will ultimately affect you. Tax Brackets: The bill keeps the seven...
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Great job on providing an overview of key elements contained in the 500 page Tax Bill. For me, it gets me thinking on how to postu... Read More
Friday, 19 January 2018 13:33
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USAA and Why its Great for Military Veterans and Their Families

United Services Automobile Association (“USAA” or the “Company”) is one of the leading military financial institutions that offer great benefits to the military community. The Company was founded in 1922 and started out as a car insurance company, but has grown over the years to offer a wide variety of products. USAA is dedicated to serving military members and their families by offering more benefits than most other major financial service provider. They offer a very...
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As a USAA Member I can confirm the great write up the author did explaining what is available to eligible personnel. Love the bank... Read More
Friday, 19 January 2018 13:38
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Disadvantages of Auto Loans

If you need to purchase a car (new or used), it would great if you were in a position to purchase the car in cash. Unfortunately, very few people are in that kind of financial position to be able to do that. That really only leaves you with one option: financing the car through an auto loan. While that may be the only option available for you, I wanted to lay out some disadvantages you may...
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  2986 Hits
2986 Hits

Why Your 401k Is Important

Paying off your loans is very important for a young individual. But saving for retirement is also very important. 401ks are a very important part of your retirement. Retirement savings is critical for every person and are critical for young investors. Delaying your retirement options, especially investing in your 401K can be detrimental to your life savings. The earlier you start, the better off you are likely to be. Below are a few advantages to investing...
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I hope everyone that is employed had a 401K. Has anyone started one this year?
Friday, 23 February 2018 14:30
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Habits to Help You Pay off Debt

Everyone usually knows they need to pay off their debt. However, it is much easier said than done. If you really want to get out of debt and stay out, there are a few habits that can help. Below are a few habits that can help you lower your expenses and pay off your outstanding debt faster.  Track, record, and monitor all expenses: The first thing to do is to track, record, and monitor your daily expenses. This...
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  2527 Hits
2527 Hits

Update on How I Am Paying off My Student Loans

I wanted to provide everyone an update on my progress on paying off my student loans. This not only helps me keep track of my progress, but I hope it provide others in my situation an example as well as some helpful tips. I am officially one year in, and I have paid $17,400 towards my student loans. While this number feels great, I know I still have a long way to go. With my interest...
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  2389 Hits
2389 Hits

Why Credit Card Debt Is the Worst Kind of Debt

This may be an obvious statement, but since I haven't spoke on credit card debt in a few posts I wanted to reiterate it. Credit card debt is one of the worst kinds of debt! Avoid it as much as possible! People who are not financial savvy or are not informative on personal finances can easily get sucked in by credit card companies. While I put the ultimate responsibility on the consumer, credit card companies know...
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2498 Hits