Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.
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Learning Personal Finance in 2019


A new year is approaching, and that means new goals are coming. A good goal for 2019 may be to learn more about personal finance so you can be financially successful! Below are a few tips and recommendations to be able to learn more about personal finance in 2019. 

Please feel free to post in the comments sections if you have any additional recommendations.

  • Personal Finance Podcasts: Podcasts have become a hugely popular trend, and now there are more than 550,000 podcasts to download. There are a ton that are specific to personal finances. If you want to learn the basics of personal finances, I would recommend The Dave Ramsey Show, So Money, Function, and Planet Money. These podcasts are best for those looking to learn the basics and find motivation and tips on getting their money management on track. A few recommended podcasts on investing, include InvestED Podcast and We Study Billionaires. Lastly, if you are interested in learning about building your own successful business and entrepreneurship, I would recommend Smart Passive Income with Pat Flynn and Financial Independence Podcast by Mad Fientist. 
  • Personal Finance Books: If you go to a bookstore or library you will quickly find there are thousands of books available on personal finance and they range in topics and depth. A few books that I would recommend that I have read over the years include: Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, How to Retire Happy, Wild and Free, The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey, The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason, and The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. 
  • Personal Finance Blogs: After you start listening to a personal finance podcast and reading your personal finance book, you should also start reading a personal finance blog! This includes Finance Globe, which is a great overview of personal finance, the economy, and credit card tips, not that I am biased (:)). There are some other great blogs out there that I read, including Money Under 30, Get Rich Slowly, the Penny Hoarder, Everything Finance, and Retire by 40.
  • Personal Finance Classes: If you prefer to take a structured class, there are hundreds of online classes that teach the basics of personal finance. They are very inexpensive, sometimes costing only $10, and some are even free. They can be very interactive and fun! I would check out ed2go, Ramsey Solutions, and Suze Orman’s Personal Finance Online Course.

There really are a number of ways you can learn about personal finance and given today’s technologies, you have multiple options. I would recommend to use the platform that works best for you and good luck on learning about personal finance!


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Comments 1

Frank on Tuesday, 29 January 2019 16:21

Has anyone started this year????

Has anyone started this year????
Wednesday, 12 March 2025

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