Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

5 Tips to Help You Invest Like a Pro

5 Tips to Help You Invest Like a Pro
It goes without saying that you invest with one goal in mind: to make money. While some investments are safer than others, there is always some level of risk involved. With all this in mind, it’s important to take a step back, assess your situation, and make changes that will allow you to invest like a pro. Your net worth may never approach investing gurus like Warren Buffett, but this doesn’t mean you can’t make decisions...
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Keep fees down! Always look at how much it will cost to own this stock or investment.
Friday, 30 June 2017 14:58
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6 Tips to Help You Build a Bigger Savings

6 Tips to Help You Build a Bigger Savings
Many people put saving money at or near the top of their list of financial goals. Still, saving money can be tough for people at all income levels. If you've been working toward building a bigger savings, use these tips to help reach your goal. Spend less than you earn. Perhaps the most important thing you can do to build your savings is to reduce your spending. Creating a gap between your income and your spending...
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I have to reiterate to PAY YOURSELF FIRST AND MAKE IT AUTOMATIC. These are so important when building and growing your savings. I ... Read More
Monday, 21 November 2016 18:25
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Summer is Coming Soon: Are you Saving for Vacation?

Summer is Coming Soon: Are you Saving for Vacation?
During the winter months it is not always easy to think about summer. After all, it seems so far away. However, if you have plans on vacationing this summer, now is the time to begin the preparation process. In addition to selecting a location, you need to set a budget and start saving. It won’t be long before you need to make a payment to reserve your hotel, flight, and/or rental car. Here are three tips...
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Saving for vacations should be fun! Most people save for retirement, a car, or other expenses that may not be as fun to save. But ... Read More
Thursday, 11 February 2016 17:43
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5 Questions to Answer Before Using Your Emergency Fund

5 Questions to Answer Before Using Your Emergency Fund
There are many benefits of saving money in an emergency fund, including the peace of mind this will bring to your financial situation. But here is the problem: it is not always easy to determine when you should use this money and when you should leave it be. To get on the right track, here are five questions to answer before using your emergency fund: 1. Is it an unexpected expense? It can’t be considered an...
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Great questions to ask yourself Chris. No one ever wants to use your emergency fund. Each situation is unique, but if you do ask y... Read More
Friday, 29 January 2016 09:34
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Save $100 a Month

Save $100 a Month
It's not hard to find ways to save a few dollars here and there, and those few dollars can easily add up to $100 or more per month. Consider making changes to your routine to find the cash to put into your emergency fund, savings for a down payment on a home, your retirement account, a long overdue vacation, or your children's future education. Look at your daily habits.  Cutting out relatively small expenditures like a daily...
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5296 Hits

4 Ways to Put Extra Cash to Good Use

4 Ways to Put Extra Cash to Good Use
It's important to have a plan for extra cash when you find a way to spend less or make more. No amount is too small to have a plan for - even an extra hundred dollars a month can make a big difference over the long run. With a good plan, you can be sure that extra cash goes towards building more financial security while also allowing for some fun stuff. Pay off your credit cards. It's time to change...
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Great article Mary. I wanted to add on to where you can save your extra cash to make sure your money is earning interest. Below ar... Read More
Monday, 31 August 2015 16:11
Mary Tomkins
Good point, Frank. Though interest rates earned on our savings are pretty low and almost laughable sometimes, it's important to fi... Read More
Monday, 31 August 2015 18:51
8191 Hits

Is your Budget Failing for One of these Reasons?

Is your Budget Failing for One of these Reasons?
Just because you put a lot of time into creating a budget doesn’t mean it will help you achieve financial success. Here is why: You may have used inaccurate data.You have to stick with your budget (not just create one).You aren’t being realistic with your expectations. If your budget continues to fail you, month after month, it is time to adjust your approach and consider the changes you can make for the better. Here are three...
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  3290 Hits
3290 Hits

What is Stopping you from Saving More Money?

What is Stopping you from Saving More Money?
Regardless of your financial situation, if you are like most people you share one common goal: to save as much money as possible. While some are able to do so with success, feeling comfortable with their progress, others continue to come up short. Here are several reasons why you may not be saving as much money as you would like: 1. Spending more than you should. Think about it this way: every dollar you spend on...
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3797 Hits

4 Times an Emergency Fund can Save you

4 Times an Emergency Fund can Save you
Starting an emergency fund is easier said than done. Even though you may have been putting this off for quite some time, nothing is stopping you from making a change in the future. Here are three times when you will be glad that you have an emergency fund: 1. Job loss. If you find yourself out of a job and with no income, you will need money from somewhere to survive. Fortunately, if you have an...
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3740 Hits

Save in Advance for Holiday Shopping

Save in Advance for Holiday Shopping
With the holidays right around the corner, you know it will only be a matter of time before you are shopping for those perfect gifts. While some people wait until the last minute to start saving and shopping, others realize that now is the time to take a close look at what the holidays will bring. How many people will you need to purchase gifts for? Do you have enough cash right now to get everything...
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3520 Hits