Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.
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Answer these Financial Questions before Choosing a College

Are you in the process of comparing colleges? Are you hoping to make a decision on which one to attend in the near future? Despite the fact that this is one of the biggest decisions of your life, you only have so long to make up your mind.

Like many, you may be holding yourself back because you don’t know which school will suit you best in terms of your finances. After all, college is more expensive today than ever before.

Before choosing a college, answer these three financial related questions:

1. What is the total cost per school year? To answer this question, you need to look at more than tuition. You also have to consider fees, books, supplies, and room and board. By breaking this number down, it becomes easier to get a better idea of how much you will be paying each semester and year.

2. Are there any hidden costs you need to be aware of? This is something that many students overlook. Subsequently, they are surprised when they begin to spend more money than they thought they would.

Hidden costs can including everything from gas for your car to the cost of admission into school athletic events. Most students soon find that they have to budget for these hidden expenses, as they can quickly add up.

3. Where are you going to get the money to pay for school? With the cost of college on the rise, there are not too many students who are in position to pay for their entire education in cash. Instead, they turn to financial aid such as student loans, grants, and scholarships. Along with this, many students get a job while in school to help offset the cost.

Before making a final decision on which college to attend, you need to answer the three questions above. When doing so, don’t be shy about asking your parents for help and consulting with each institution’s financial aid department. The more help you get the better chance you have of making the right choice from a financial perspective.
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