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3 Steps to Take Before Starting a Business in 2017

3 Steps to Take Before Starting a Business in 2017

There is no better feeling than the start of a new year. Once the calendar turns, you’ll feel like there’s nothing you can’t do.

Are you intrigued by the idea of starting a business in 2017? If you find yourself thinking about this, here are three important steps to take in the near future:

1. Answer Key Questions

What are you trying to accomplish with your new business? What reasons do you have to believe that you can make it work? Are there any challenges weighing on your mind?

There are sure to be a variety of questions on your mind, all of which need to be answered without delay. Once you clear the air and get on the right track, you’ll feel better about your ability to move forward.

2. Review the Past

It doesn’t matter what type of job you’re coming from, when you review the past you can learn a lot about what you want from the future.

For example, if you worked a traditional job, make note of the things you did and didn’t like. This will help put you on the right track from the start.

3. Create a Business Plan

Once you’re committed to starting a business, it’s imperative to create a business plan. This will open your eyes to many important details, from sales to marketing to hiring employees (and much more).

It’s easy to believe you don’t need a business plan in order to succeed, but this is flawed thinking. You absolutely need this in place, as it will provide direction and guidance from the start.

If 2017 will be the year when you start your own business, make sure you take these steps today.

What other steps do you consider important to starting a business? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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Comments 1

Frank on Tuesday, 24 January 2017 17:17

(1) Talk about the idea with mentors or family members
(2) Do as much research as you can before investing money
(3) Create a business in which you are passionate about

(1) Talk about the idea with mentors or family members (2) Do as much research as you can before investing money (3) Create a business in which you are passionate about
Friday, 21 February 2025

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