Finance Globe

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3 Budget Related Tasks to Complete Before the End of the Year

3 Budget Related Tasks to Complete Before the End of the Year

With the end of the year closing in fast, now is the time to review your budget and determine where things stand. If you like what you see, everything can remain the same for 2016. However, you may soon find that a few changes could do you some good.

Here are three budget related tasks to complete before the end of the year:

1. Review your income. Did you earn as much as expected in 2015? Did you fall short of your goal? Along with these questions, here is another: what type of income are you expecting next year? Income is what drives your budget, so you need to know how much you are bringing in.

2. Review your expenses. In simple terms, you need to spend less than what you earn. If you do this, you should be able to cover your bills every month. Of course, there is a lot to be said for widening this gap, as it allows you to save money.

Review your expenses to see how much you are spending on each category. From there, decide if there are any areas in which you can cut back.

3. Set goals. Knowing your income and expenses is a good start, but you don’t want to stop here. It is imperative to set goals for the new year, as this can go a long way in keeping you on the straight and narrow. Here are some common goals:

•    Keeping your expenses, as a total, under a certain threshold.
•    Eliminating a particular expense.
•    Saving a set amount of money each month.

Goals keep you excited about your budget. They also keep you focused.

These are just a few of the many budget related tasks to complete before the end of the year. Do you have any others to add to the list?

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Comments 1

Frank on Thursday, 17 December 2015 18:34

Reviewing your budget is just as important as creating a budget. In fact, it is probable more important. This is where you learn about yourself and about your spending habits. Ideally, you will be able to build upon what you learned and you can set better and more accurate goals for 2016. I always spend at least 10-15 hours at the end of the year going in full detail of my finances. It really helps me understand what I am doing well and where I need to improve upon. I started this process in 2010. Every year I still am able to find improvements and new ideas on things I can do better.

Reviewing your budget is just as important as creating a budget. In fact, it is probable more important. This is where you learn about yourself and about your spending habits. Ideally, you will be able to build upon what you learned and you can set better and more accurate goals for 2016. I always spend at least 10-15 hours at the end of the year going in full detail of my finances. It really helps me understand what I am doing well and where I need to improve upon. I started this process in 2010. Every year I still am able to find improvements and new ideas on things I can do better.
Thursday, 13 March 2025

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