Who is revamping thier wardrobe?

  • Posts: 18

Replied by MidSouthGal on topic Who is revamping thier wardrobe?

I am trying to find clothes that fit who I am now. I discovered this system called Dressing Your Truth. It seems to fit me well enough. I am throwing out all, stained clothing, and I am trying to dress more like the elegant, fun woman that I am.
8 years 2 months ago #1
  • Posts: 364

Replied by FrugalFran on topic Re: Who is revamping thier wardrobe?

I've shopped at Goodwill before and my suggestion would be to find one in an upper class neighborhood. It's amazing what you can find in the areas where the wealthy donate the stuff they don't want. I went into one in a very ritzy part of town one day because I was looking for a couple skirts. I ended up buying nine skirts that were all high-end name brands and either hardly used or not used at all. The retail total on them would have been between $800 and $1000, but I paid a total of $32. :D
8 years 3 months ago #2
  • Posts: 217

Replied by Breakinger on topic Re: Who is revamping thier wardrobe?

patse wrote: I shop online all the time. I love the selection that you have when shopping online. I always find great deals too. I need to revamp my wardrobe because I have lost about 25 pounds.

Congrats on your weight loss! I hope that you are still doing really well with it. I've just started a diet and I can't wait until I get to purchase some new clothes. I really like Egghead's suggestion about shopping at stores like Goodwill. I've always just donated clothes to them in the past, but I've never thought about actually looking around for some clothes. Have you ever done this before?
8 years 3 months ago #3
  • Posts: 364

Replied by FrugalFran on topic What Goes In Must Come Out

Wanderer wrote: When your hot your hot! Understand when you hit a run keep going as it could go dry for a long time. Grat's on your hot streak ...

Truer words were never spoken, Wanderer. What is that saying about get it while the gettin's good? I only wish my investments were as hot as my shopping streak! :D
8 years 3 months ago #4
  • Posts: 1265

Replied by Wanderer on topic What Goes In Must Come Out

When your hot your hot! Understand when you hit a run keep going as it could go dry for a long time. Grat's on your hot streak ...
8 years 3 months ago #5
  • Posts: 364

Replied by FrugalFran on topic What Goes In Must Come Out

I took my daughter clothes shopping a couple weeks ago and I ended up buying some new outfits for myself. I don't shop for myself very often and I'm pretty picky about what I wear, so if I see something I like, I have to grab it. Remarkably for me, I ended up finding four new outfits I liked all at the same store. That never happens to me.
8 years 3 months ago #6
  • Posts: 20

Replied by Raina on topic What Goes In Must Come Out

MsSarah82 wrote: I love buying a new outfit here and there. The rule in my house is that if one comes in, one must go out. So, for example, if I buy a new top, then I must get rid of a top, either by selling it or donating it. This way I don't end up overwhelmed and cluttered. I have actually adopted this with many things, to include home decor items.

That's a great idea that some of my family members should use. My daughter has enough clothing she could probably dress a small town. I keep trying to talk her into bringing them to a consignment shop or sell them online. I think she is secretly a clothes hoarder!
8 years 4 months ago #7
  • Posts: 6

Replied by MsSarah82 on topic What Goes In Must Come Out

I love buying a new outfit here and there. The rule in my house is that if one comes in, one must go out. So, for example, if I buy a new top, then I must get rid of a top, either by selling it or donating it. This way I don't end up overwhelmed and cluttered. I have actually adopted this with many things, to include home decor items.
8 years 4 months ago #8
  • Posts: 75

Replied by Curry on topic Wardrobe

As a guy I just don't take clothes shopping all that seriously. They're clothes. I like to try on sizes, especially on the rare occasion when I buy a casual suit, so online shopping for this just doesn't happen.
8 years 4 months ago #9
  • Posts: 48

Replied by Medi on topic New me is coming!

I realized I can't look like a beggar forever, so I had to change. Selling my stuffs will take too long, so I'm thinking to donate them to homeless or poor people. I'm just worried about the number of shops I must visit later because I'm not confident of buying clothes online yet!
8 years 4 months ago #10
  • Posts: 112

Replied by Egghead on topic Re: Who is revamping thier wardrobe?

Congratulations on the weight loss. Why not freshen up your wardrobe from a Goodwill store? There are some great bargains to be had if you have time to look around. Plus you could sell any quality items you have on eBay and make some cash. Double win.
8 years 11 months ago #11
  • Posts: 141

Replied by patse on topic Re: Who is revamping thier wardrobe?

I shop online all the time. I love the selection that you have when shopping online. I always find great deals too. I need to revamp my wardrobe because I have lost about 25 pounds.
9 years 20 hours ago #12
  • Posts: 73

Replied by Cents on topic Wardrobe

I don't buy a lot of clothes online for myself, but I do shop for my husband and daughter online. I think for adult women, it can be difficult to shop without trying things on and I know that's the case with me. I can buy things like yoga pants, but when it comes to something fitted, online shopping hasn't worked out well for me.
9 years 1 week ago #13
  • Posts: 217

Replied by Breakinger on topic Re: Who is revamping thier wardrobe?

I love the convenience of online shopping too and what makes it even better is that as long as there is a store near you, if it doesn't fit, you can always have the option of returning or exchanging it there.
9 years 1 month ago #14
  • Posts: 59

Replied by hanna on topic Re: Who is revamping thier wardrobe?

Online shopping rocks because I can shop anytime I want. The only issue that I do have when ordering clothes online is that you don't know if something is going to fit. It's really true if you are ordering something that you have never worn before or have either lost or gained weight.

So true. I think that's one of the risk online shoppers have to take. But is convenience really worthy enough to pay for something that might not fit?
14 years 6 months ago #15