2017 investments

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Replied by CentsibleSaver on topic 2017 investments

Moneyes wrote: Precious metals. I'm tired of weighing options and while it may not be the surest of bets, it's still a good one. I'm starting small anyway, so if I lose I don't lose big.

I say go for the investment if it fits your comfort level and time table. I've tried to wrap my mind around Forex, but it goes over my head. It also feels too competitive. While you're earning the big bucks, I'll be sitting on my safe EFT's watching the money slowly trickle in. :scared: I just don't have the gumption for risk.

Joker, is there a specific stock you're interested in?
Last edit: 7 years 8 months ago by CentsibleSaver.
7 years 8 months ago #1
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Replied by Joker on topic 2017 investments

I too am interested in marijuana stocks as an investment as well. I have heard so many success stories of people that got in at the beginning were killing it and if you don't get in soon, you will miss the boat. If you invest early (now) you could possibly make hugh gains as the stocks skyrocket.
7 years 8 months ago #2
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Replied by FrugalFran on topic 2017 investments

Pinky wrote: Have you checked into any of the "weed" stocks? I have been reading that 64 stocks have increased by over 1000% in the last year. Millionaires are being made frequently. I am very interested in which of these stocks are the most growth and which are the most stable. I might even want to grow some of the stuff myself!

By this I assume you are referring to the marijuana stocks. On a personal level, I don't support it for recreational purposes, but I am a big advocate of its medicinal properties. I would look into investing if I could be assured the company I was investing in sold it only for medical use.

As for the precious metals, I typically invest for the long term, so I was thinking that the volatility wouldn't affect me as much as it does people who check their portfolios everyday. I don't have time to make myself crazy today over something I may hold onto for ten years or more.
7 years 8 months ago #3
  • Posts: 53

Replied by Pinky on topic 2017 investments

Have you checked into any of the "weed" stocks? I have been reading that 64 stocks have increased by over 1000% in the last year. Millionaires are being made frequently. I am very interested in which of these stocks are the most growth and which are the most stable. I might even want to grow some of the stuff myself!
7 years 8 months ago #4
  • FrankN
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Replied by FrankN on topic 2017 investments

diversity and longevity are the 2 most important things for me when I invest. I am still young (relatively) so I look at 30+ years when investing. That is why I still invest in the broad stock market because I believe over time it will continue to grow. There will be dips and volatility, but overtime it should grow.
8 years 2 days ago #5
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Replied by Wanderer on topic 2017 investments

Volatile due to the world market. Up greatly one day and then takes a big swing down the next. Scares people as they see their money disappearing right before their eyes and then walla their rich. Lately, I have closely tracked gold and truth, in my mind it swings but I am not bailing out. Need to stay close to the market happenings and make sure you comfortable. For me, I took the attitude it was like going to the casino and sometimes I make some money and some times I don't. Truth, to me the whole stock market is a gamble only the risk of the company is different. Where I have made money is precious metals, bank/financial stocks, utilities, drugs (pharmacy), and money in different market sectors. What I am saying is I diversified. You might say why? So as to spread the risk. Not every sector usually has bad days the same as every other sector so you hedge your bets. Heard the old saying, can live off of the dividends when I retire ... my comments .... you must have a lot of stock shares as I never found I could afford to buy enough stock to ensure I would have a steady dividend income stream. Yes, the amount to invest probably needs to focus on your funding availability for daily living, retirement, emergency fund and so on so as to not have to sell stock to live which might be at a bad time to sell stock. Food for thought!
8 years 1 week ago #6
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Replied by FrugalFran on topic 2017 investments

Oh, I definitely don't stray too far away from where I'm comfortable. I just wish I could take it all in like the pros do. :D

What is it about precious metals that makes you say it isn't for the faint of heart? That's been my newest adventure and I've been reading up on it for several months now.
8 years 1 week ago #7
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Replied by Wanderer on topic 2017 investments

FrugalFran understand your view ... may want to consider working with investments you understand. In the event you acquire the knowledge and comfort to try other products then you can go with it. No need to stay awake at night. Likely no one is going to strike gold and/or hit the lottery anyways so don't sweat the need to pursue items not in your comfort zone. For myself, I pursued "precious metals" and it worked out but not for the faint of heart.
8 years 1 week ago #8
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Replied by FrugalFran on topic 2017 investments

Moneyes wrote: I don't know why, but it's always been easy for me to comprehend things like forex.

The comprehension of it all is my biggest struggle. I've been managing the household investments for about four years now and I read and read and read and still have trouble understanding it sometimes. I've definitely made progress, but my brain wants to reject processing this type of information. :lol:
8 years 1 week ago #9
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Replied by Moneyes on topic 2017 investments

Wanderer wrote: I live in the heart of mining country so it is sort of second nature watching the ups and downs.

That would help, wouldn't it? I don't know why, but it's always been easy for me to comprehend things like forex. So precious metals, like you said, being so dependant on foreign sources is kind of a natural move for me.
8 years 1 week ago #10
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Replied by FrugalFran on topic 2017 investments

Lexie wrote: With the new administration in place, the stock market has been on the rise. I have really been considering investing in a few stocks that look good. What do you all think? Is that too risky?

The stock market is always risky, but I think having some stocks is part of a diversified portfolio. Do your research and start out slow and small and build it up over time.
8 years 2 weeks ago #11
  • Posts: 241

Replied by Lexie on topic 2017 investments

With the new administration in place, the stock market has been on the rise. I have really been considering investing in a few stocks that look good. What do you all think? Is that too risky?
8 years 2 weeks ago #12
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Replied by Goldbug on topic 2017 investments

I've got the backbone of my portfolio in place, so this year I'm mainly planning on income shares (high-yield established companies with regular dividends). There's one other investment group I do want to increase and diversify, which is Property. I've got a commercial property fund, but I want a couple of funds in other areas of the property market, especially government property specialists because they're usually good for a steady income.
Last edit: 8 years 3 weeks ago by Goldbug.
8 years 3 weeks ago #13
  • Posts: 364

Replied by FrugalFran on topic 2017 investments

I was also thinking about allocating a small percentage of my monthly investing to gold. I'm also going to be keeping an eye on the natural gas industry. It's been depressed the past couple of years, but now that Trump wants to move forward, I think that sector will be getting back on its feet. My husband works in the industry, so I already have an idea of the ups and downs and where things could be going.
8 years 3 months ago #14
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Replied by Wanderer on topic 2017 investments

Starting small getting the feel of the landscape is a good approach. With investments that are more speculative in nature we need to keep the eye on the ball. Precious Metals is risky but if an investor watches and is sensitive to the market there is money to be made. Not for the "faint of heart". Also, your comment on being able to stand the loss if it goes south opens more options. Again, need to watch the market. Gold has been running $1,100 an ounce to about $1,300+ an ounce for some long time. Copper is volatile and Silver has it's days. The US due to environmental regulations restricts much precious metals mining so we are at the beck and call of foreign governments and a world market. I live in the heart of mining country so it is sort of second nature watching the ups and downs.
8 years 3 months ago #15