Expert advice on CD programs needed

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Replied by FrankN on topic CDs

I do. I think with what is going on globally, the Fed will be hesitant to raise rates too fast. I would expect to see a slow and steady increase, but nothing too meaningful until next year.
9 years 3 weeks ago #1
  • Posts: 73

Replied by Cents on topic CDs

FrankN wrote: I agree, you may need to wait atleast a year for CD rates to go up.

Do you think it will be another year before we see rates go up? I was hoping for some positive changes this year. Maybe that's wishful thinking during an election year. :silly:
9 years 1 month ago #2
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Replied by FrankN on topic CDs

I agree, you may need to wait atleast a year for CD rates to go up.
9 years 1 month ago #3
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Replied by FrugalFran on topic CDs

I was going to get into CDs last year, but in the end, I decided it wasn't worth it to tie up my money for two percent or less. It would be great if CD rates go up this year.
9 years 1 month ago #4
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Replied by Wanderer on topic Re: Expert advice on CD programs needed

Of late, with the first of several proposed Federal Reserve rate increases, don't jump on any long term CDs right now. Financial experts (if there really are any?) believe there will be improving CD rates coming to the market place in 2016.
9 years 2 months ago #5
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Replied by FrankN on topic Re: Expert advice on CD programs needed

CD rates a rough right now, and it is tough to make a return. WANDERER is right, you really have to do your searching to find a decent return. 3% is incredible in this market of fixed rates. I expect it to be better in 2016 though.
9 years 2 months ago #6
  • Posts: 75

Replied by Curry on topic CD Programs

Check out Dave Ramsey of Ramsey Solutions. He has a talk show in my area and he is very knowledgeable in all things finance. I'm not promoting him, but he will be able to tell you everything you need to know about CD's.
9 years 3 months ago #7
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Replied by Wanderer on topic Re: Expert advice on CD programs needed

Hey everyone I have chased quite a few CD's. My experience has been to find motivated regional banks and credit unions NOT the big boy banks. They have been more willing to do promos open with $500 to $5,000 dollars and pay up to 3%. You have to dig around in the newspaper, internet and look at the financial institutions in your own market area. My experience with is a more limited market (they can't be everywhere). Look around your own geographic areas and dig some. The rewards just may be there! Works for me!:white-flag:
15 years 5 months ago #8
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Replied by Meya on topic Re: Expert advice on CD programs needed

LOL Mathman! This is just a sign to verify how an old post can still be updated as new. Thanks for your feedback, it was very valuable and is appreciated by the thread started, and the new readers. Here is the link for further details about brining old postings up to date.
Last edit: 9 years 8 months ago by Finance Globe. Reason: URL Change
15 years 9 months ago #9
  • Posts: 27

Replied by mathman on topic Re: Expert advice on CD programs needed

right now, cds are not paying good rates. you'll be lucky to get 2.5% for 1 year.

i would recommend doing a combination of wachovia way2save (5% APY + 5% one-year anniversary match) and a netspend prepaid debit (5% APY with some minor inconveniences).

also, i've opened up a few extra checking accounts for the sake of signup bonuses. but this is fairly big inconvenience for most.

edit: oh gosh! i thought the date said 2009 not 2008.
15 years 10 months ago #10
  • Posts: 130

Replied by rwmtd on topic Re: Expert advice on CD programs needed

I am thinking about getting a CD. I was looking at certian banks and the requirements and interest rate. The smallest amount that I could put into a CD was $1,000, the next was $2,000.

Hello Eldarwen, don't know whether or not you found a CD but if you go to you can search for banks that may offer one with a lower starting balance.

Hope, this helps.
16 years 7 months ago #11
  • Posts: 532

Replied by Eldarwen on topic Re: Expert advice on CD programs needed

I am thinking about getting a CD. I was looking at certian banks and the requirements and interest rate. The smallest amount that I could put into a CD was $1,000, the next was $2,000.
16 years 9 months ago #12
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Replied by Scribes on topic Thanks. What I'd really love

Thanks. What I'd really love to do is add $1,000 or so a month into one tight program that will make me the most on my return. I heard CDs were a good way to go, but after some research I was also looking at hedge funds. Some hedge funds you can join for $500 to $1,000 starting. Of course, the more you put in, the more you get out.
16 years 10 months ago #13
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Replied by hjm331 on topic HSBC paying up? :shocked: No

HSBC paying up? :shocked: No way!
16 years 10 months ago #14
  • Posts: 16

Replied by stiletto on topic I actually have a CD

I actually have a CD with Wachovia that I add to on a monthly basis. I started out with $1000 and I add $150 to it every month. This is what I am using for my long term savings. I have had this CD for 2 years now. Also, ING did have a CD that you could add to each month. If you can't find a CD, I would consider a on-line savings account. They are paying alot more than a bank savings. I have one with HSBC and it is doing fine compared to the one that I have at my bank. Just a thought. :laugh:
16 years 10 months ago #15