Getting beat out of a deal!

  • patrick12
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Replied by patrick12 on topic Re: Getting beat out of a deal!

FICO® Score Summary

Your Equifax FICO® score]731[/B]

On July 21, 2012

Your Equifax FICO® score is very good

Just thought I would share this! :thumbsup:

This really makes my day! Just to think I was a 425 score when I joined Finance Globe with a bankruptcy, judgements, and collections! Im still in shock at times that my financial future was changed for the better in 4 short years!
12 years 8 months ago #1
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Replied by Wanderer on topic Re: Getting beat out of a deal!

How stringent are they on inspection for USDA Wanderer? One thing I noticed with this home, which was built in 1890, The attic is not vented! There is no ridge vents, gable vents or vented soffits! The crawl space access is limited, and I noticed the crawl space wasnt vented either.

At the risk of shooting myself in the foot... not strict. The residential house inspection I had was requested by me, paid for by me and the USDA Lender did NOT want to know or see the results. I had the realtor put a clause in the purchase agreement that the loan was subject to financing, etc and the house inspection. Then it was between me (buyer) and the seller who would do what. The seller was NOT obligated to do anthing. I was able to cancel the deal however, if I did not like things in the house inspection report (like was defined by me). The cost was $400 for the house inspection and it was worth the money. Note, my house had the same venting challenges (hip roof design) you just wrote up. In looking at a new roof the idea would be to cut in a ridge vent (that is what the roofer felt would best serve my needs).
12 years 8 months ago #2
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Replied by patrick12 on topic Re: Getting beat out of a deal!

How stringent are they on inspection for USDA Wanderer? One thing I noticed with this home, which was built in 1890, The attic is not vented! There is no ridge vents, gable vents or vented soffits! The crawl space access is limited, and I noticed the crawl space wasnt vented either.
12 years 8 months ago #3
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Replied by Wanderer on topic Re: Getting beat out of a deal!

I havent been having a very good week, since I have finished up my rental property and paid down debt, I considered buying a new home to make my primary residence, with that said, I started searching for properties in the community I live in, after a brief search I found a property with the ideal floor plan, lots of upgrades, and priced right about where im comfortable! So I go ahead and call my mortgage broker, credit checks out great and I get a pre approval for a conventional mortgage, 95% LTV 5% down, seller can pay up to 3% closing costs ect... So I decide to go over and take a closer look at this home before I call my realtor, which by the way is the listing agent, before I would put my offer in. This home is empty, it was a flip home that someone bought, as I walk up to the deck to look inside the windows, this guy comes running over with the keys and asks, "Hey" would you like to see this property, he was doing a roofing job next door and his father happens to own this property! I was like sure! Me owning a rental property and having a pretty good background knows what to look for, so I inspected the foundation, furnance, AC, updated electrical and all new plumbing, after I made a determination I loved the home I wanted to call my realtor ASAP so I can get an offer in! Well in the midst of all this, another realtor shows up from another agency with prospects, I didnt realize he was in the house, well he overheard me call my realtor and put an offer in, now mind you asking price is $84,500 and I never offer full price on anything! My agent says she is too sick to write up an offer but can get it in the morning! So what does this other agent in the house do? Talks these 22 year old kids into paying full price, and they are USDA pre approved of course, and got the offer in before mine! Well they have signed a 60 day purchase contract so that basically gives them 60 days to do whatever they agreed on! The seller however did accept my backup offer of $77,000 plus he will pay up to 3% of my closing costs, I find it kind of odd that he didnt counter me the full price like they offered him, could it possibly be they are USDA approved and he suspects there could be unforseen issues? This whole situation has made me very upset and sick to my stomach! Some input on this would be helpful! Thanks!

What to say? This is a real hard one! Usually the USDA Rural Development Loans are figured out in advance so as to minimize surprises. Assuming this, I would think the buyers would go through the process of loan processing which will take three weeks if they are lucky. That said it is tough. As was said by others... keep looking. Sometimes things happen for a reason and we don't know why until later. I have to say $84,900 sounds like a good price so it makes it more interesting to find the right place and keep the sale price reasonable. Good luck on your search. I looked at over twenty houses in my search and then getting the financing together so I could prevent others from out bidding me was a challenge. Used the USDA Rural Development program and liked it. Also, I bought my place for a $16,900 reduction to the sellers and they paid all taxes, closing costs assignable to the seller and realtor fees along with some fix it type things. I got in on a good deal. Don't get sick... you know home buying is a game (just watch the HGTV Series on the subject).
12 years 8 months ago #4
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Replied by kdb030609 on topic Re: Getting beat out of a deal!

Thanks Derek, Its not that I am in need of a home, its just this was exactly what I was looking for, I feel like I lost, and I feel like my agent didnt really work hard for me, I know she was sick, but shes the listing agent, she could have even suggested maybe calling another person in her office? I just feel like the proper the steps weren't taken for my best interest as a customer, I have been in sales for years, when it comes time to put a deal together, you do it! I have been sick myself and still came to work and sold cars! Being commisson paid its feast or famine, trust me, this I know!

Just look at it as a blessing in disguise! Because you'll find a better deal on something even nicer if your able to take your time! It never fails just like buying a car as soon as you look at the paper after you've got a new car. You find something even better and wish you'd waited ! Theres always a better deal out there ! I'm sure you'll find it ! You didn't lose your going to gain ! I'm sure of it ! Maybe get a agent that is a little hungrier next time sick or not ! LOL!
12 years 8 months ago #5
  • patrick12
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Replied by patrick12 on topic Re: Getting beat out of a deal!

Thanks Derek, Its not that I am in need of a home, its just this was exactly what I was looking for, I feel like I lost, and I feel like my agent didnt really work hard for me, I know she was sick, but shes the listing agent, she could have even suggested maybe calling another person in her office? I just feel like the proper the steps weren't taken for my best interest as a customer, I have been in sales for years, when it comes time to put a deal together, you do it! I have been sick myself and still came to work and sold cars! Being commisson paid its feast or famine, trust me, this I know!
12 years 8 months ago #6
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Replied by derek1061 on topic Re: Getting beat out of a deal!

Wow that really sucks, I would definitely keep looking at other houses and don't let this deal get you down. There is a chance that the buyers will back out of the deal and you could be the new owner, or who knows you might find another place that you like better. If you were meant to have that house then, somehow, someway, it will happen. In the mean time, just keep your spirits up!!
12 years 8 months ago #7
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was created by patrick12

I havent been having a very good week, since I have finished up my rental property and paid down debt, I considered buying a new home to make my primary residence, with that said, I started searching for properties in the community I live in, after a brief search I found a property with the ideal floor plan, lots of upgrades, and priced right about where im comfortable! So I go ahead and call my mortgage broker, credit checks out great and I get a pre approval for a conventional mortgage, 95% LTV 5% down, seller can pay up to 3% closing costs ect... So I decide to go over and take a closer look at this home before I call my realtor, which by the way is the listing agent, before I would put my offer in. This home is empty, it was a flip home that someone bought, as I walk up to the deck to look inside the windows, this guy comes running over with the keys and asks, "Hey" would you like to see this property, he was doing a roofing job next door and his father happens to own this property! I was like sure! Me owning a rental property and having a pretty good background knows what to look for, so I inspected the foundation, furnance, AC, updated electrical and all new plumbing, after I made a determination I loved the home I wanted to call my realtor ASAP so I can get an offer in! Well in the midst of all this, another realtor shows up from another agency with prospects, I didnt realize he was in the house, well he overheard me call my realtor and put an offer in, now mind you asking price is $84,500 and I never offer full price on anything! My agent says she is too sick to write up an offer but can get it in the morning! So what does this other agent in the house do? Talks these 22 year old kids into paying full price, and they are USDA pre approved of course, and got the offer in before mine! Well they have signed a 60 day purchase contract so that basically gives them 60 days to do whatever they agreed on! The seller however did accept my backup offer of $77,000 plus he will pay up to 3% of my closing costs, I find it kind of odd that he didnt counter me the full price like they offered him, could it possibly be they are USDA approved and he suspects there could be unforseen issues? This whole situation has made me very upset and sick to my stomach! Some input on this would be helpful! Thanks!
12 years 8 months ago #8