No Job And No Prospects

  • Posts: 1208

Replied by FrankN on topic No Job And No Prospects

Is any one currently having trouble finding a job/employment? It seems as though the economy is solid, but I am sure there are people out there still looking for work.
6 years 10 months ago #1
  • Posts: 53

Replied by Pinky on topic No Job And No Prospects

Screw people that look down on you or berate you for looking for help. My response to those people is "My taxes paid for the services and I'm going to get a little of it back!" After all, YOU are the one who paid taxes when life was good, and YOU filed your tax return religiously, now YOU need a helping hand and you have a right to get it!
7 years 6 months ago #2
  • Posts: 1208

Replied by FrankN on topic No Job And No Prospects

That is why they have the system there! For actual people who need help!
7 years 7 months ago #3
  • Posts: 1265

Replied by Wanderer on topic No Job And No Prospects

Support your comment FRANKN and recommend if you need help obtain the services that best fit your needs (don't be shy).
7 years 7 months ago #4
  • Posts: 1208

Replied by FrankN on topic No Job And No Prospects

Screw those people if they do look at you differently. If you need help, and have no where to turn, don't let those rude people get in your way.
7 years 7 months ago #5
  • Posts: 43

Replied by CentsibleSaver on topic No Job And No Prospects

Medi wrote: I wonder if some people still look differently at those who get financial help during their unemployed period. Perhaps that's why FrugalFran and family gave up the chance.

No one would even know unless that family told them. But, I bet most folks in this situation are unlikely to qualify for assistance. The government safety net has been attacked for years. The budgets have all been cut.

To answer the OP, I would file for unemployment, do whatever I could to find a new job, and plant a garden.
7 years 8 months ago #6
  • Posts: 55

Replied by Tishbel on topic No Job And No Prospects

FrankN wrote: Yes it is. My family struggled in the early 90s and it was extremely difficult. Its hard to look at the positives in life when your family is all going through financial suffering.

True, but it is also much easier to go through it when you have other people to depend on who are going through it with you. People you can lean on, who can help with advice suggestions, or finding their own job really are invaluable.
7 years 8 months ago #7
  • Posts: 1208

Replied by FrankN on topic No Job And No Prospects

Moneyes wrote: In my experience, I have met few people who understand the priority that money has in a person's life. They don't want to admit that money holds a family unit together as tightly as it does. They would rather believe that love and personal bonding holds more weight. While those are very important, if you put that as a priority then you fail to see that a lack of funds can tear that bond apart.

Families need to not only see where the "business" priority in their personal life lays, they also need to see that a strong family bond can get a family through difficult financial times.

It's a fine line to walk, that's for sure.

Yes it is. My family struggled in the early 90s and it was extremely difficult. Its hard to look at the positives in life when your family is all going through financial suffering.
7 years 9 months ago #8
  • Posts: 261

Replied by Moneyes on topic No Job And No Prospects

In my experience, I have met few people who understand the priority that money has in a person's life. They don't want to admit that money holds a family unit together as tightly as it does. They would rather believe that love and personal bonding holds more weight. While those are very important, if you put that as a priority then you fail to see that a lack of funds can tear that bond apart.

Families need to not only see where the "business" priority in their personal life lays, they also need to see that a strong family bond can get a family through difficult financial times.

It's a fine line to walk, that's for sure.
7 years 10 months ago #9
  • Posts: 1208

Replied by FrankN on topic No Job And No Prospects

Anyone that has experienced financial hardship, knows the stress and toll it puts you and your family on. Many people do not recover from it, and it really can tear people and families apart. The only thing to do is stay positive to each other and hope you can ride the ship.
8 years 3 months ago #10
  • Posts: 20

Replied by Raina on topic No Job And No Prospects

We went through a period where things were a little rough and it wasn't easy. We scrimped and shopped frugally but I can tell you it was a scary period. The stress was high but we managed to pull through it. I wish you and your husband luck in finding a new job.
8 years 4 months ago #11
  • Posts: 112

Replied by Egghead on topic No Job And No Prospects

Fran, I am guessing that if the ex gets the cash (for child support) that at least gets you of the hook for paying it from your savings. Hope that is the explanation, as though not perfect it is at least something to ease the pressure.
8 years 4 months ago #12
  • Posts: 141

Replied by patse on topic No Job And No Prospects

Why would the ex get the unemployment money? Is it for child support or something?
It is very good to have a savings account for times like this. I hope you are able to beef it up again once he gets back to work.
8 years 4 months ago #13
  • Posts: 364

Replied by FrugalFran on topic No Job And No Prospects

I don't consider unemployment assistance, so yes, we file for it, but we don't receive any of the benefits because my husband's ex-wife gets the money. That's why it's so crucial for us to have an emergency fund. Unfortunately, we have to dip into it on a regular basis, but that's the nature of his business.
8 years 4 months ago #14
  • Posts: 1265

Replied by Wanderer on topic No Job And No Prospects

You may have a point but, the family needs to survive. Why experience financial ruin over what somebody thinks? As to what somebody thinks, 30 years ago there might have been a stigma. In today's world and after the financial activities of the 2008-2009 many people were faced with survival. Some still have not recovered. Once in awhile I run into one of those "no fear" younger people that cop the attitude and I remind them ... everyone will have life altering experiences whether they believe it or not.
8 years 4 months ago #15