Unemployment Rate Down to 9.5%

  • Posts: 1208

Replied by FrankN on topic 2017's Unemployment Rate

Its true the unemployment rate is at an historic low. What people would like to see more is rising wages which we are starting to see a little. however have a long way to go.
7 years 6 months ago #1
  • Posts: 169

Replied by Joker on topic 2017's Unemployment Rate

This week, as of August 16, 2017, the unemployment rate is officially 4.3%. A month ago it was 4.4% and a year ago it was 4.9%. The unemployment rate is falling a little and sure beats the 2008 rates but at that time we were in a recession if I remember correctly. Some experts are predicting another fall into a recession soon. Just saying that what goes up must come down and vice versa.
7 years 6 months ago #2
  • Posts: 1208

Replied by FrankN on topic Re: Unemployment Rate Down to 9.5%

I agree. But numbers have improved since 2008, there is no doubt. I think the problem is many people have been left behind while others may have done very well. It kind of goes back to the issues of our gap of rich vs. poor.
8 years 3 months ago #3
  • Posts: 261

Replied by Moneyes on topic Re: Unemployment Rate Down to 9.5%

Reading through most of these responses and knowing what little I do on how the Government calculates the employment numbers, one thing becomes clear to me: The unemployment numbers cannot accurately reflect what's really going on out here. There's no way. There are too many variables that the Govt. does not take into account.
8 years 4 months ago #4
  • Posts: 1208

Replied by FrankN on topic Re: Unemployment Rate Down to 9.5%

Definitely. For some people it works, but there are definitely people who have suffered because of this.
8 years 4 months ago #5
  • Posts: 364

Replied by FrugalFran on topic Re: Unemployment Rate Down to 9.5%

FrankN wrote: That is an interesting point. In some ways, I think people have more availability and options to work with their schedules (freelancing, online jobs, part-time jobs, etc.) that works well for SOME people. That way some people who don't need to necessarily have to work, can make some extra cash in a way that works with their personal life. The downside is those options or flexibility has made it even more difficult to get a full-time stable job for people who really need it to survive and provide for their families. They really have to work harder than ever just to keep their heads above water like you said.

I never really thought about it from that perspective, Frank. With all the freelancing and online work going on, ten people (or more) could be taking up one full time position. Don't even get me started on all the companies that are forcing part-time positions on their people.
8 years 4 months ago #6
  • Posts: 48

Replied by Medi on topic Re: Unemployment Rate Down to 9.5%

FrankN wrote: That is an interesting point. In some ways, I think people have more availability and options to work with their schedules (freelancing, online jobs, part-time jobs, etc.) that works well for SOME people. That way some people who don't need to necessarily have to work, can make some extra cash in a way that works with their personal life. The downside is those options or flexibility has made it even more difficult to get a full-time stable job for people who really need it to survive and provide for their families. They really have to work harder than ever just to keep their heads above water like you said.

I have always been thankful for part-time jobs (real or online) because they give room for additional income. My younger sister does this and at least we pay less for her daily needs. I suppose it puts more burden to the official employment, thus increasing the rate of unemployment in a sense.
8 years 5 months ago #7
  • Posts: 1208

Replied by FrankN on topic Re: Unemployment Rate Down to 9.5%

That is an interesting point. In some ways, I think people have more availability and options to work with their schedules (freelancing, online jobs, part-time jobs, etc.) that works well for SOME people. That way some people who don't need to necessarily have to work, can make some extra cash in a way that works with their personal life. The downside is those options or flexibility has made it even more difficult to get a full-time stable job for people who really need it to survive and provide for their families. They really have to work harder than ever just to keep their heads above water like you said.
8 years 5 months ago #8
  • Posts: 364

Replied by FrugalFran on topic Re: Unemployment Rate Down to 9.5%

Patse, you've brought up another good example of the problem - people working multiple jobs just to keep their heads above water. That's always been a thing since the beginning of time, but it seems like we have a lot more people who need to do it these days than ever before.
8 years 6 months ago #9
  • Posts: 141

Replied by patse on topic Re: Unemployment Rate Down to 9.5%

FrugalFran wrote: I don't even pay attention to the unemployment rate anymore because it doesn't account for all the people who have taken wage cuts just to get back in the workforce. Folks getting back to work is great, but if they lost their house because they had to take a job that paid half of what they previously made, there's still a problem.

I could not agree more with you on this statement. Quite honestly the unemployment rate means nothing to me. I know a lot of people that are working two jobs just to make 75% of what they made prior to being laid off.
8 years 6 months ago #10
  • Posts: 1265

Replied by Wanderer on topic Re: Unemployment Rate Down to 9.5%

FRUGALFRAN you have a good point on the person only earning a minimum wage as they have little wiggle room to downsize. As you mentioned, living in the middle of nowhere makes it even more challenging (I can sure attest to that). It is hard to survive at minimum wages and then have to pack the family up (at your own expense) and relocate for schooling and/or a job. Not fun (scary).
8 years 6 months ago #11
  • Posts: 364

Replied by FrugalFran on topic Re: Unemployment Rate Down to 9.5%

Oh, absolutely. I do agree that people need to do what needs to be done. I'm just thinking of the folks who weren't making much to begin with. For example, a single mother who is only making $10 an hour to begin with doesn't have a whole lot of downsizing options. And assistance isn't always as easy to get as some people think. I can also understand the region where you live, Wanderer. My husband is a pipeline inspector and we live in the middle of nowhere. Folks around here work on the pipeline or in one of the few mom-and-pop stores.
8 years 6 months ago #12
  • Posts: 1265

Replied by Wanderer on topic Re: Unemployment Rate Down to 9.5%

FRANKN you said it really well "... going from $0 to $60K..." covers it.
8 years 6 months ago #13
  • Posts: 1208

Replied by FrankN on topic Re: Unemployment Rate Down to 9.5%

Well said Wanderer. I think people should have a different perspective on "sucking it up from say $200K to $60K". In reality you can look at it going from $0K to $60K.
8 years 6 months ago #14
  • Posts: 1265

Replied by Wanderer on topic Re: Unemployment Rate Down to 9.5%

FrugalFran I get your point but, life is not always fair or equitable. Many times I have been unemployed and had to step back, swallow hard and re-enter the work force hat in hand and glad I had an income. While the job and income were less than I wanted or even reflective of my academics or talents it put food on the table and I was a productive individual. Sucking it up from say $200K to $60K is a big leap but it is a starting point. Also, I quietly kept looking and over time was able to get somewhat back in the financial flow. Each time it happened it reminded me of those people who became dislocated due to plant closing, strikes, slow economy and so on. They often had to change careers, become re-educated, move (at their own expenses) and I could go on. Presently, I live in the middle of a national forest and mining country where the miners earn $70K to $120K per year with overtime but, the ups and downs of the world economy cause many a close down and the people are out. They receive benefits to attend educational institutions to learn new skills and then move away to work. It is part of life. My background has served me well to find employment when out of work but not everyone has a broad foundation to work from. Reality of life can be harsh and I sure can attest to that. I lost everything in the fall of 2001 (business).
Last edit: 8 years 6 months ago by Wanderer.
8 years 6 months ago #15