Trump's latest Tweet

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Replied by FrankN on topic Trump's latest Tweet

Lexie wrote:

FrankN wrote:

Joker wrote: I wasn't a huge fan of Obama either but I have to say I like him better than Trump. At least he has some sympathy for the underprivileged and the middle class (still underprivileged if you ask me.) Trump has no feelings about anything but his bottom line.

I won't comment on my personal political opinions, but I think its fair to say we are very divided right now as a nation on a lot of issues.

I agree JOKER and maybe I shouldn't have given my opinion. "Bottom Line" is we have Trump for 3 more years so we all just need to try and get along. Trump is doing what he said he was going to do and that's what got him elected.

Every day does seem like a new scandal with him :(
7 years 2 months ago #1
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Replied by Lexie on topic Trump's latest Tweet

FrankN wrote:

Joker wrote: I wasn't a huge fan of Obama either but I have to say I like him better than Trump. At least he has some sympathy for the underprivileged and the middle class (still underprivileged if you ask me.) Trump has no feelings about anything but his bottom line.

I won't comment on my personal political opinions, but I think its fair to say we are very divided right now as a nation on a lot of issues.

I agree JOKER and maybe I shouldn't have given my opinion. "Bottom Line" is we have Trump for 3 more years so we all just need to try and get along. Trump is doing what he said he was going to do and that's what got him elected.
Last edit: 7 years 2 months ago by Lexie.
7 years 2 months ago #2
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Replied by FrankN on topic Trump's latest Tweet

Joker wrote: I wasn't a huge fan of Obama either but I have to say I like him better than Trump. At least he has some sympathy for the underprivileged and the middle class (still underprivileged if you ask me.) Trump has no feelings about anything but his bottom line.

I won't comment on my personal political opinions, but I think its fair to say we are very divided right now as a nation on a lot of issues.
7 years 2 months ago #3
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Replied by Joker on topic Trump's latest Tweet

I wasn't a huge fan of Obama either but I have to say I like him better than Trump. At least he has some sympathy for the underprivileged and the middle class (still underprivileged if you ask me.) Trump has no feelings about anything but his bottom line.
7 years 2 months ago #4
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Replied by Lexie on topic Trump's latest Tweet

JGibbs wrote:

Joker wrote: I have issues that you all know already with Trump. I think we should deny him access to Twitter etc., just to keep his mouth shut on social media. He not only embarrasses himself but us as a country as well. Our shame has no bounds as long as he is in office.

I can't stand the man, but I've become much more Zen by not watching the news. Net Neutrality has gone to heck, it's all bad stuff right now. I just close the newspaper or turn off the television. Sure, it's sheer avoidance, but I highly recommend it.

That is exactly how I felt about Obama. I just couldn't stand to look at him or hear him speak. Still can't. Didn't watch the news or keep up with him in any way. Just watched my savings account sit there doing nothing and watched the morality of this country become mush. To each his own JGibbs
7 years 2 months ago #5
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Replied by JGibbs on topic Trump's latest Tweet

Joker wrote: I have issues that you all know already with Trump. I think we should deny him access to Twitter etc., just to keep his mouth shut on social media. He not only embarrasses himself but us as a country as well. Our shame has no bounds as long as he is in office.

I can't stand the man, but I've become much more Zen by not watching the news. Net Neutrality has gone to heck, it's all bad stuff right now. I just close the newspaper or turn off the television. Sure, it's sheer avoidance, but I highly recommend it.
7 years 2 months ago #6
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Replied by Joker on topic Trump's latest Tweet

I have issues that you all know already with Trump. I think we should deny him access to Twitter etc., just to keep his mouth shut on social media. He not only embarrasses himself but us as a country as well. Our shame has no bounds as long as he is in office.
7 years 2 months ago #7
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Replied by Moneyes on topic Trump's latest Tweet

Joker wrote: I can't believe that Trump actually said this, "Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me "old,"

I can't believe he took that as an insult. So much for aging gracefully.

I'm going to be setting up my own Twitter account soon that wil have nothing but business,transportation and technology feeds. A mature and progressive account, and no,Trump is not invited. His tweets are juvenile at best and do not fit in with grown-up accounts.
7 years 3 months ago #8
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Replied by Lexie on topic Trump's latest Tweet

JGibbs wrote:

Wanderer wrote: In the event Trump loses his Twitter account access again ... would he implode? ;(

Now you're becoming a victim of wishful thinking. Everyday I wake up amazed that he is our "leader". It's cost my family a lot of friends, both young and old. The racism came out that was unexpected. I guess Trump made it seem okay.

I don't see the racism in the tweet. Am I missing something or are you talking about another incident? I do agree he uses twitter way too much and should limit his personal opinions. I guess it's better than secret emails though. Isn't it?
7 years 3 months ago #9
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Replied by JGibbs on topic Trump's latest Tweet

Wanderer wrote: In the event Trump loses his Twitter account access again ... would he implode? ;(

Now you're becoming a victim of wishful thinking. Everyday I wake up amazed that he is our "leader". It's cost my family a lot of friends, both young and old. The racism came out that was unexpected. I guess Trump made it seem okay.
7 years 3 months ago #10
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Replied by Wanderer on topic Trump's latest Tweet

In the event Trump loses his Twitter account access again ... would he implode? ;(
7 years 3 months ago #11
  • Joker
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Trump's latest Tweet was created by Joker

I can't believe that Trump actually said this, "Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me "old," when I would NEVER call him "short and fat?" Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend - and maybe someday that will happen!" May he is backing off the "bomb him to hell" attitude. Could this be a "new" Trump we are seeing?
7 years 4 months ago #12