forgot all the debts.

  • Posts: 55

Replied by princee18 on topic very strange...I could not understand

very strange...I could not understand you completely but it should be very easy from your credit report to determine whom claims you owe them money and in what amount. Use the contact information included in the credit report for each creditor to contact them and request an explanation (or validation) of the debt.
16 years 10 months ago #1
  • Posts: 11

Replied by tstreet436 on topic Your friends situation is irresponsible,

Your friends situation is irresponsible, but not unheard of. Some people accumulate a lot of debt, then ignore the attempts to collect because they don’t have the money. If it’s been years and the accounts have been sold several times, he may not recognize some of the debts on his credit report. If he’s actually trying to take care of the problem, he may want to think long and hard about the debts he created and work from there. He can dispute anything he doesn’t recognize. If he’s still nonchalant about the problem, I wouldn’t stress over it. He’ll deal with the consequences when the time comes.
16 years 11 months ago #2
  • Posts: 532

Replied by Eldarwen on topic Hey folks, this might sound

Hey folks,
this might sound odd but my friend has forgotten nearly all of his debts. He does not know all the institutions he owes money to, how much he owes, etc. It's all been in collections for a few years, and he ignored the mail/phone calls all the while. He got his credit report a few months ago, but could not discern what he owed or to whom. So the question is, how does one find out his debts in a situation such as this?
plz reply.

How can you forget your debts? I'm sorry but that just sounds really strange that he would ignore the problem.
16 years 11 months ago #3
  • Posts: 4522

Replied by Meya on topic I don't mean any offense,

I don't mean any offense, but is your friends suffering any medical problems? My reason for asking is because if he did not forget how to apply for debt, then how could he forget who he owe's? Well I hope your friend can remember asap, because the creditors are not going to forget nor forgive him/her. You should take your friend to see a doctor, because you may never know if he/she has a slight concussion.
16 years 11 months ago #4
  • Posts: 142

Replied by Rockin35 on topic That doesnt appear to be

That doesnt appear to be to responsible. Your friend should not depend solely on what's listed on his credit report, as credit bureaus make mistakes and plenty of them. So I would tell him/her to just open their mail, "plain and simple." Avoiding debt doesnt eliminate it. Also, if he can look at the inquiries on his report and possibly track down the financial institutions from 2 years back and maybe check with them to see if they have an account in his name. Rockin35!! :suicide:
16 years 11 months ago #5
  • Posts: 572

Replied by Finance Globe on topic Forgot? :shocked: Does he have

Forgot? :shocked: Does he have bills for these debts? Make sure he checks his credit report from all 3 major bureaus. I'm sure the debt will show up...
16 years 11 months ago #6
  • saurabh
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Hey folks,
this might sound odd but my friend has forgotten nearly all of his debts. He does not know all the institutions he owes money to, how much he owes, etc. It's all been in collections for a few years, and he ignored the mail/phone calls all the while. He got his credit report a few months ago, but could not discern what he owed or to whom. So the question is, how does one find out his debts in a situation such as this?
plz reply.
16 years 11 months ago #7