Credit card companies garnishing wages?

  • Posts: 1208

Replied by FrankN on topic If you claim the homestead

JGibbs wrote: I think they can garnish everything except a social security check. It's actually pretty common for creditors to sue en mass. A lot of times the debtor doesn't even show up to court which results in a default judgment. I think they sue and garnish more often than not.

I agree. If they get to a point where you are not getting paid back, they absolutely will.
7 years 5 months ago #1
  • Posts: 167

Replied by JGibbs on topic If you claim the homestead

I think they can garnish everything except a social security check. It's actually pretty common for creditors to sue en mass. A lot of times the debtor doesn't even show up to court which results in a default judgment. I think they sue and garnish more often than not.
7 years 6 months ago #2
  • Posts: 169

Replied by Joker on topic Credit card companies garnishing wages?

I read an article that said that credit card companies garnishing your wages are possible but not probable. The reason being is that before they can do anything, they must sue you. Courts are the only ones that can issue \wage garnishments, according to this article. The cost of the suit, including lawyer fees might not be worth all the trouble and expense depending on the amount you owe. The best thing is just pay them what you owe them.
7 years 6 months ago #3
  • Posts: 1208

Replied by FrankN on topic Credit card companies garnishing wages?

It definitely happens all the time, and they do have the legal right to do so. Its unfortunate, but it happens more than you think.
8 years 3 months ago #4
  • Posts: 20

Replied by Raina on topic Credit card companies garnishing wages?

I've never heard of this and didn't realize that credit card companies can do this. I could see the major bank credit card companies taking the money right out of your bank account, if you have one with them.
8 years 4 months ago #5
  • Posts: 1208

Replied by FrankN on topic Garnish

They certainty can do both. It all depends on the situation and circumstances, but I have heard stories of credit card companies doing both so they can get their "loans" paid back. It is a very unfortunate situation, but those companies usually have no other means to get back as much as they can from that individual.
8 years 8 months ago #6
  • Posts: 217

Replied by Breakinger on topic Garnish

Wow, I never knew that credit card companies could do either one of these. Thankfully, I have never had that happen and hopefully never will. Is garnishing your wages the first step they take or do they do something else first?
8 years 11 months ago #7
  • Posts: 112

Replied by Egghead on topic Garnish

As far as I know repossession of goods is usually the step after garnishing, or whatever method of re-payment was decided on. It's the last resort, used against those who default on their agreements to pay as planned.
8 years 11 months ago #8
  • Posts: 10

Replied by DonRon on topic Garnish

mrsjprice wrote: If you owe money to credit cards, can they get the authority to garnish your wages or take away things which belong to you like a car or house?

I don't know if or where they might have the authority to repossess your property, however, I know from personal experience that they can and will garnish your wages. Discover garnished my wages many years ago over a credit card with about $500 charged to it.
9 years 2 months ago #9
  • Posts: 22

Replied by BloodFood on topic Re: Credit card companies garnishing wages?

Yes they can first they have to file a suit against you then they prove you are guilty and then they take every thing away, basically its a kind of law that I heard from most of the experienced personnel.
9 years 9 months ago #10
  • Posts: 1

Replied by rver on topic Re: Credit card companies garnishing wages?

I have SEVERAL outstanding old cc bills

can't the employer cant in trouble for not complying with the court order
10 years 4 weeks ago #11
  • Posts: 4522

Replied by Meya on topic Re: Credit card companies garnishing wages?

15 years 8 months ago #12
  • Posts: 14

Replied by sanjay on topic yes i agree that it

yes i agree that it depends on the state and nation.In some asian countries the bank has full authority to garnish your wages and take away your things.
16 years 10 months ago #13
  • Posts: 76

Replied by alpha on topic I think it's harder in

I think it's harder in some states than others to get the authority to garnish wages. Some credit card companies seem to want to push it more than others (like AmEx in that example)
16 years 10 months ago #14
  • Posts: 53

Replied by happylady on topic I have SEVERAL outstanding old

I have SEVERAL outstanding old cc bills :worried: and I haven't had any try and garnish my wages for them (I'm knockin' on some wood as I type this...)
but I have had a few payday loan companies try and garnish my wages. :scared:
Here in Cali the creditor has to go to court and get a judgement first and then ask your employer to garnish your wages...from what I understand the employer then has the right to refuse to enforce the garnishment (I just let it go through to get it out of the way but a friend of mine said she ask HER employer to refuse it and they did) at which point it just goes back to collections or written off as bad debt.
16 years 10 months ago #15