Refusal on payment offer

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Replied by Meya on topic Re: Refusal on payment offer

15 years 9 months ago #1
  • princess08
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Replied by princess08 on topic Hi Ya, Thanks so much

Hi Ya,

Thanks so much for your help and I have been sending payments to them and they have been cashing it, so I have been literally recording every single payment as I pay online too so I have the receipt numbers etc and sent them a letter explaining that I will continue payments till further notice etc so taking on board what you say with regards to them cashing the amount I am offering, it is just so worrying and frustrating (in a polite way ;) ) that they try and get you to increase payments and threaten court action. I will post about Lloyds though just to see if anyone else has had an experience with them and the woman I spoke too on the phone the other month was so god d***rude about it.

Thanks again
17 years 1 month ago #2
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Replied by Meya on topic Whatever you do, make sure

Whatever you do, make sure that those two different collection agencies are reported as one. They have a bad habbit in reporting two of the same accounts on your credit report. To get a better response from the board, start a new topic in this forum that says something like "Has anyone defaulted with Lloyds" or "Need help with old Lloyd account". This will put a better flag out for you.

I am so sorry to hear about their refusal. If they did not answer, I could tell you better steps to take according to your state. The only thing I can say is send them a check with a certain amount that you want to pay and in the memo put agreed amount til paid in full. If they cash it, then you have the upper hand.
17 years 1 month ago #3
  • princess08
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Replied by princess08 on topic May I ask which creditor

May I ask which creditor is this? There are some who will not accept an offer, they are just being arrogant and stuck up, but if they do not accept (which they dont have to) then focus on the ones that did accept and keep going from there.


It was originally an account with Lloyds, I was trying to clear it but the charges were just ridiculous and then I kept getting letters to say they were sending it to a debt recovery though I had two different letters with two different debt recovery companies but from what I know Lloyds are still in charge of it, I sent them my financial statements with an offer and they have refused every offer!
17 years 1 month ago #4
  • Posts: 4522

Replied by Meya on topic May I ask which creditor

May I ask which creditor is this? There are some who will not accept an offer, they are just being arrogant and stuck up, but if they do not accept (which they dont have to) then focus on the ones that did accept and keep going from there.
17 years 1 month ago #5
  • princess08
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I have been trying to discuss arrangements with the companies I owe money too and clear the debt that I have got myself into, this is working pretty well and a lot of my debtors have agreed to my offers and I have sent expenditure forms etc, but one company in particular that I get a loan from, is just refusing point blank to accept my offer even though I have shown my financial status etc. How can get them to accept? I really cant increase the payment offer surely they have to accept something?

Any help on this would be great
17 years 1 month ago #6