Super Finance Glossary
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Definition: A term combining the words "rumor" and arbitrage, used to describe trading that occurs on the basis of rumors of a takeover.
Definition: A term combining the words "rumor" and arbitrage, used to describe trading that occurs on the basis of rumors of a takeover.
Definition: Usually used in the context of a merger or acquisition. A group of shareholders who refuse to tender their shares for a merger or acquisition. In a merger of Company A and Company B for example, if a sufficient number of Company B shareholders do not tender their shares, the new company will not be able to access the cash flows of Company B.
Definition: Usually used in the context of a merger or acquisition. A group of shareholders who refuse to tender their shares for a merger or acquisition. In a merger of Company A and Company B for example, if a sufficient number of Company B shareholders do not tender their shares, the new company will not be able to access the cash flows of Company B.
Definition: A run consists of a series of bid and offer quotes for different securities or maturities. Dealers give and ask for runs from each other.
Definition: A run consists of a series of bid and offer quotes for different securities or maturities. Dealers give and ask for runs from each other.
Definition: A summary of the amount and prices of a serial bond issue that is still available for purchase.
Definition: A summary of the amount and prices of a serial bond issue that is still available for purchase.
Definition: Messengers or clerks who deliver orders received by phone clerks to brokers for execution in the pit.
Definition: Messengers or clerks who deliver orders received by phone clerks to brokers for execution in the pit.
Running Ahead
Definition: The illegal practice of trading in a security for a broker's personal account before placing an order for the same security for a customer.
Definition: The illegal practice of trading in a security for a broker's personal account before placing an order for the same security for a customer.
Definition: Used for listed equity securities. Series of trades printed on the ticker tape that occur on the NYSE before 4:00 p.m., but are not reported until afterwards due to heavy trading that makes the tape late.
Definition: Used for listed equity securities. Series of trades printed on the ticker tape that occur on the NYSE before 4:00 p.m., but are not reported until afterwards due to heavy trading that makes the tape late.
Rural Housing Service/Rural Development
Definition: An agency, within the U.S. Department of Agriculture, formerly called the Farmers Home Administration (FmHA). It administers assistance programs for purchasers of homes and farms in small towns and rural areas.
Definition: An agency, within the U.S. Department of Agriculture, formerly called the Farmers Home Administration (FmHA). It administers assistance programs for purchasers of homes and farms in small towns and rural areas.
Russell 1000
Definition: A market capitalization-weighted benchmark index made up of the 1000 highest-ranking US stocks in the Russell 3000.
Definition: A market capitalization-weighted benchmark index made up of the 1000 highest-ranking US stocks in the Russell 3000.
Russell 2000
Definition: A market capitalization-weighted benchmark index made up of the 2000 smallest US companies in the Russell 3000.
Definition: A market capitalization-weighted benchmark index made up of the 2000 smallest US companies in the Russell 3000.
Russell 3000
Definition: A market capitalization-weighted benchmark index made up of the 3000 largest US stocks, which represent about 98% of the US equity market.
Definition: A market capitalization-weighted benchmark index made up of the 3000 largest US stocks, which represent about 98% of the US equity market.
Russell Indexes
Definition: US equity index widely used by pension and mutual fund investors that are weighted by market capitalization and published by the Frank Russell Company of Tacoma, Washington. For example, the Russell 3000 index includes the 3,000 largest US companies according to market capitalization.
Definition: US equity index widely used by pension and mutual fund investors that are weighted by market capitalization and published by the Frank Russell Company of Tacoma, Washington. For example, the Russell 3000 index includes the 3,000 largest US companies according to market capitalization.
Russian Trading System (RTS)
Definition: An electronic system in Russia, like the Nasdaq system on which the majority of Russian equities trading is conducted.
Definition: An electronic system in Russia, like the Nasdaq system on which the majority of Russian equities trading is conducted.