Super Finance Glossary
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Definition: Term for a security whose price seems too high in light of its price history.
Definition: Term for a security whose price seems too high in light of its price history.
Definition: Stands for Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act. Legislation under/which inside traders may be convicted.
Definition: Stands for Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act. Legislation under/which inside traders may be convicted.
Definition: A form accompanying an insurance policy that alters the policy's terms or coverage.
Definition: A form accompanying an insurance policy that alters the policy's terms or coverage.
Riding The Yield Curve
Definition: Buying long-term bonds in anticipation of capital gains as yields fall with the declining maturity of the bonds.
Definition: Buying long-term bonds in anticipation of capital gains as yields fall with the declining maturity of the bonds.
Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking And Branching Efficiency Act Of 1994
Definition: Law permitting interstate banking in the U.S.
Definition: Law permitting interstate banking in the U.S.
Definition: Privilege granted shareholders of a corporation to subscribe to shares of a new issue of common stock before it is offered to the public. Such a right, which normally has a life of two to four weeks, is freely transferable and entitles the holder to buy the new common stock below the public offering price. See: Warrant.
Definition: Privilege granted shareholders of a corporation to subscribe to shares of a new issue of common stock before it is offered to the public. Such a right, which normally has a life of two to four weeks, is freely transferable and entitles the holder to buy the new common stock below the public offering price. See: Warrant.
Right Here
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. In-line, emphasizing that this is a customer inquiry that is ready to be executed and not distant on price. See: Tight.
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. In-line, emphasizing that this is a customer inquiry that is ready to be executed and not distant on price. See: Tight.
Right Of Accumulation
Definition: Allow investors to combine prior mutual fund purchases with current purchases in the same mutual fund or related mutual fund family to qualify for a breakpoint and obtain a lower sales charge.
Definition: Allow investors to combine prior mutual fund purchases with current purchases in the same mutual fund or related mutual fund family to qualify for a breakpoint and obtain a lower sales charge.
Right Of First Refusal
Definition: The right of a person or company to purchase some thing before the offering is made to others.
Definition: The right of a person or company to purchase some thing before the offering is made to others.
Right Of Redemption
Definition: The right to recover property that has been attached by paying off the debt .
Definition: The right to recover property that has been attached by paying off the debt .
Right Of Rescission
Definition: The right to void a contract without any penalty within three days as provided in the Consumer Credit Protection Act of 1968.
Definition: The right to void a contract without any penalty within three days as provided in the Consumer Credit Protection Act of 1968.
Rights Agreement (aka "Poison Pill")
Definition: An anti-takeover arrangement often established by a company in anticipation of a hostile takeover attempt. The company appoints a Rights Agent who will issue Rights Certificates to each shareholder at the time of the takeover attempt. The shareholder may then exercise these rights to receive additional shares of stock and/or debentures, making the target company more expensive to acquire as a result of the additional shares outstanding, or the additional debt.
Definition: An anti-takeover arrangement often established by a company in anticipation of a hostile takeover attempt. The company appoints a Rights Agent who will issue Rights Certificates to each shareholder at the time of the takeover attempt. The shareholder may then exercise these rights to receive additional shares of stock and/or debentures, making the target company more expensive to acquire as a result of the additional shares outstanding, or the additional debt.
Rights Of Set-off
Definition: An agreement defining each party's rights should one party default on its obligation. A setoff is common in parallel loan arrangements.
Definition: An agreement defining each party's rights should one party default on its obligation. A setoff is common in parallel loan arrangements.
Rights Offering
Definition: Issuance to shareholders that allows them to purchase additional shares, usually at a discount to market price. Holdings of shareholders who do not exercise rights are usually diluted by the offering. Rights are often transferable, allowing the holder to sell them on the open market to others who may wish to exercise them. Rights offerings are particularly common to closed-end funds, which cannot otherwise issue additional common stock.
Definition: Issuance to shareholders that allows them to purchase additional shares, usually at a discount to market price. Holdings of shareholders who do not exercise rights are usually diluted by the offering. Rights are often transferable, allowing the holder to sell them on the open market to others who may wish to exercise them. Rights offerings are particularly common to closed-end funds, which cannot otherwise issue additional common stock.
Definition: A circular area on the trading floor of an exchange where traders and brokers stand while executing futures trades. Some exchanges use pits rather than rings.
Definition: A circular area on the trading floor of an exchange where traders and brokers stand while executing futures trades. Some exchanges use pits rather than rings.
Definition: Trading arenas located on the floor of an exchange in which traders execute orders. Sometimes called a pit.
Definition: Trading arenas located on the floor of an exchange in which traders execute orders. Sometimes called a pit.
Rising Bottoms
Definition: Chart pattern showing an increasing trend in the daily low prices of a security or commodity.
Definition: Chart pattern showing an increasing trend in the daily low prices of a security or commodity.