Super Finance Glossary
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Reverse Conversion
Definition: A technique in which brokerage firms earn interest on the stocks they hold for their customers by selling the short and investing the proceeds in money market accounts. The short positions are hedged to protect against adverse market conditions.
Definition: A technique in which brokerage firms earn interest on the stocks they hold for their customers by selling the short and investing the proceeds in money market accounts. The short positions are hedged to protect against adverse market conditions.
Reverse Conversion Or Reversal
Definition: With regard to options, a position created by buying a call option, selling a put option, and selling the underlying instrument (for example, a futures contract). See Conversion.
Definition: With regard to options, a position created by buying a call option, selling a put option, and selling the underlying instrument (for example, a futures contract). See Conversion.
Reverse Crush Spread
Definition: The sale of soybean futures and the simultaneous purchase of soybean oil and meal futures. See Crush spread.
Definition: The sale of soybean futures and the simultaneous purchase of soybean oil and meal futures. See Crush spread.
Reverse Leverage
Definition: Occurs when the interest on borrowings exceeds the return on investment of the funds that were borrowed.
Definition: Occurs when the interest on borrowings exceeds the return on investment of the funds that were borrowed.
Reverse Leveraged Buyout
Definition: Bringing back into publicly traded status a company that had been privatized by way of a leveraged buyout.
Definition: Bringing back into publicly traded status a company that had been privatized by way of a leveraged buyout.
Reverse Mortgage
Definition: A mortgage agreement allowing a homeowner to borrow against home equity and receive tax-free payments until the total principal and interest reach the credit limit of equity, and the lender is either repaid in full or takes the house.
Definition: A mortgage agreement allowing a homeowner to borrow against home equity and receive tax-free payments until the total principal and interest reach the credit limit of equity, and the lender is either repaid in full or takes the house.
Reverse Price Risk
Definition: A type of mortgage pipeline risk that occurs when a lender commits to sell loans to an investor at rates prevailing at the time of mortgage application but sets the note rates when the borrowers closes. The lender is thus exposed to the risk of falling rates.
Definition: A type of mortgage pipeline risk that occurs when a lender commits to sell loans to an investor at rates prevailing at the time of mortgage application but sets the note rates when the borrowers closes. The lender is thus exposed to the risk of falling rates.
Reverse Repo
Definition: In essence, refers to a repurchase agreement. From the customer's perspective, the customer provides a collateralized loan to the seller.
Definition: In essence, refers to a repurchase agreement. From the customer's perspective, the customer provides a collateralized loan to the seller.
Reverse Stock Split
Definition: A proportionate decrease in the number of shares, but not the total value of shares of stock held by shareholders. Shareholders maintain the same percentage of equity as before the split. For example, a 1-for-3 split would result in stockholders owning one share for every three shares owned before the split. After the reverse split, the firm's stock price is, in this example, three times the pre-reverse split price. A firm generally institutes a reverse split to boost its stock's market price. Some think this supposedly attracts investors.
Definition: A proportionate decrease in the number of shares, but not the total value of shares of stock held by shareholders. Shareholders maintain the same percentage of equity as before the split. For example, a 1-for-3 split would result in stockholders owning one share for every three shares owned before the split. After the reverse split, the firm's stock price is, in this example, three times the pre-reverse split price. A firm generally institutes a reverse split to boost its stock's market price. Some think this supposedly attracts investors.
Reverse-annuity Mortgages (RAM)
Definition: Bank loan for an amount equal to a percentage of the appraisal value of the home. The loan is then paid to the homeowner in the form of an annuity.
Definition: Bank loan for an amount equal to a percentage of the appraisal value of the home. The loan is then paid to the homeowner in the form of an annuity.
Reversing Trade
Definition: Entering the opposite side of a currently held futures position to close out the position.
Definition: Entering the opposite side of a currently held futures position to close out the position.
Reversionary Interest
Definition: A transferor's right to have property returned after the termination of an intervening estate or interest. Irc § 673.
Definition: A transferor's right to have property returned after the termination of an intervening estate or interest. Irc § 673.
Revised Estimate
Definition: The third estimate of GDP released about three months after the measurement period.
Definition: The third estimate of GDP released about three months after the measurement period.
Revisionary Trust
Definition: An irrevocable trust that becomes a revocable trust after a certain amount of time.
Definition: An irrevocable trust that becomes a revocable trust after a certain amount of time.
Revocable Letter Of Credit
Definition: Assurance of funds issued by a bank that can be canceled at any time without prior notification to the beneficiary.
Definition: Assurance of funds issued by a bank that can be canceled at any time without prior notification to the beneficiary.
Revocable Trust
Definition: A trust that may altered as many times as desired in which income-producing property passes directly to the beneficiaries at the time of the grantor's death. Since the arrangement can be altered at any time, the assets are considered part of the grantor's estate and they are taxed as such.
Definition: A trust that may altered as many times as desired in which income-producing property passes directly to the beneficiaries at the time of the grantor's death. Since the arrangement can be altered at any time, the assets are considered part of the grantor's estate and they are taxed as such.
Revolving Credit Agreement
Definition: A legal commitment in which a bank promises to lend a customer up to a specified maximum amount during a specified period.
Definition: A legal commitment in which a bank promises to lend a customer up to a specified maximum amount during a specified period.
Revolving Line Of Credit
Definition: A bank line of credit on which the customer pays a commitment fee and can take and repay funds at will. Normally a revolving LOC involves a firm commitment from the bank for a period of several years.
Definition: A bank line of credit on which the customer pays a commitment fee and can take and repay funds at will. Normally a revolving LOC involves a firm commitment from the bank for a period of several years.
Reward-to-volatility Ratio
Definition: Ratio of excess return to portfolio standard deviation.
Definition: Ratio of excess return to portfolio standard deviation.
The sensitivity of an options value to a change in interest rates. The first derivative of option worth with respect to interest rates.
See also Greeks