Super Finance Glossary


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Browsing by the letter "R"

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Regression Analysis
Definition: A statistical technique that can be used to estimate relationships between variables.
Regression Coefficient
Definition: Term yielded by regression analysis that indicates the sensitivity of the dependent variable to a particular independent variable. See: Parameter.
Regression Equation
Definition: An equation that describes the average relationship between a dependent variable and a set of explanatory variables.
Regression Toward The Mean
Definition: The tendency that a random variable will ultimately have a value closer to its mean value.
Regressive Tax
Definition: A tax system that provides that average tax rates decrease with increases in individuals' income brackets.
Regular Settlement
Definition: Transaction in which a stock contract is settled and delivered on the fifth full business day following the date of the transaction (trade date). In Japan, regular settlement occurs three business days following the trade date; in London, two weeks following the trade date (at times, three weeks); in France, once per month.
Regular Warehouse
Definition: A processing plant or warehouse that satisfies exchange requirements for financing, facilities, capacity, and location and has been approved as acceptable for delivery of commodities against futures contracts. See Licensed Warehouse.
Regular Way Settlement
Definition: In the money and bond markets, the standard basis on which some security trades are settled is that the delivery of the securities purchased is made against payment in Fed funds on the day following the transaction.
Regulated Commodities
Definition: The group of registered commodity futures and options contracts traded on organized U.S. futures exchanges.
Regulated Investment Company
Definition: An investment company allowed to pass capital gains, dividends, and interest earned on fund investments directly to its shareholders so that it is taxed only at the personal level, and double taxation is avoided.
Regulation A
Definition: An exemption from the Securities Act of 1933 that exempts small public offerings, valued at less than $1.5MM from most registration requirements with the SEC.
Regulation D
Definition: There are two Regulation Ds. First, it refers to the exemption from the Securities Act of 1933 for Private Placements. These placements are exempt from registration and prospectus delivery requirements. Second, it refers to a Federal Reserve Board regulation that currently requires member banks to hold reserves against their net borrowings from foreign offices of other banks over a 28-day averaging period. Regulation D has been merged with Regulation M.
Regulation FD (fair Disclosure)
Definition: U.S. S.E.C. regulation whose purpose is to ensure that select groups of investors are not privy to firm-specific information before other investors. Executives are not allowed to reveal nonpublic information during their communications with analysts and select shareholders. If information is inadvertently released, they must take steps to broaden the dissemination of the information within 24 hours of discovering the disclosure.
Regulation G
Definition: Federal Reserve Board regulation of lenders other than commercial banks, brokers, or dealers that provide credit for the purchase of or carrying of securities. This regulation was discontinued by a 1998 amendment.
Regulation M
Definition: Federal Reserve Board regulation that currently requires member banks to hold reserves against theirnet borrowings from their foreign branches over a 28-day averaging period. Reg M has also required member banks to hold reserves against Eurodollars lent by their foreign branches to domestic corporations for domestic purposes.
Regulation Q
Definition: Federal Reserve Board regulation imposing caps on the rates that banks may pay on savings and time deposits. Currently time deposits with a denomination of $100,000 or more are exempt from Reg Q.
Regulation T
Definition: Federal Reserve Board regulation that deals with grantingcredit to customers by securities brokers, dealers, and exchange member as far as initial margin requirements and securities that are covered under the rules.
Regulation T Calls
Definition: Federal Reserve Board Regulation T margin calls are issued when a customer makes a transaction in a margin account and does not meet the minimum initial requirement of 50% cash or loan available. This margin call is referred to as a Fed Call. The customer must increase the equity in the account by depositing additional funds and/or marginable securities. If the necessary amount of cash or securities is not deposited into the account within the specified time period, securities may be sold to meet the call, and the account may become restricted.
Regulation U
Definition: Federal Reserve Board limit on how much credit a bank can allow a customer for the purchase and carrying of margin securities.
Definition: Rules specifying the appropriate behavior of agencies, organizations or individuals in the securities industry.