Super Finance Glossary


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Regional Stock Exchanges
Definition: Organized national securities exchanges located outside of New York City and registered with the SEC They include: the Boston, Cincinnati, Intermountain (Salt Lake City-dormant, owned by COMEX), Midwest (Chicago), Pacific (Los Angeles and San Francisco), Philadelphia (Philadelphia and Miami), and Spokane (local mining and Canadian issues, non-reporting trades) Stock Exchanges.
Registered Bond
Definition: A bond whose issuer records ownership and interest payments. Differs from a bearer bond, which is traded without record of ownership and whose possession is the only evidence of ownership.
Registered Check
Definition: A check issued and guaranteed by a bank for a customer who provides funds for payment of the check.
Registered Company
Definition: A company that is listed with the SEC after submission of a required statement and compliance with disclosure requirements.
Registered Competitive Market Maker
Definition: An NASD-registered dealer who acts as a market maker for a designated over-the-counter stock by buying and selling that stock to maintain stability.
Registered Equity Market Maker
Definition: Member firm of the American Stock Exchange registered as a trader to make stabilizing trades for its own account in particular securities.
Registered Investment Adviser
Definition: SEC-registered individual or firm that substantiates completion of education and work experience in the field, and pays an annual membership fee.
Registered Investment Company
Definition: An investment firm which is registered with the SEC and complies with certain stated legal requirements.
Registered Options Trader
Definition: An American Stock Exchange specialist who monitors a certain group of options to help maintain a fair and orderly market.
Registered Owner
Definition: An individual or organization to whom certificates are directly issued and who, as a result, is recorded on the corporation's securityholder records (as maintained by the transfer agent).
Registered Representative
Definition: A person registered with the CFTC who is employed by and solicits business for a commission house or futures commission merchant.
Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)
Definition: Tax-sheltered retirement plan for Canadian citizens, much like an American IRA.
Registered Secondary Offering
Definition: A reoffering of a large block of securities, previously publicly issued, by the holder of a large portion of some corporation through an investment firm.
Registered Security
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. Securities whose owner's name is recorded on the books of the issuer or the issuer's agent, called a registrar.
Registered Shares
Definition: Shares that are issued in a shareholder's name as the holder of record.
Registered Trader
Definition: A member of the exchange who executes frequent trades for his or her own account.
Definition: Financial institution appointed to record issue and ownership of company securities.
Definition: In the securities market describes process set up pursuant to the Securities Exchange Acts of 1933 and 1934 whereby securities that are to be sold to the public are reviewed by the SEC.
Registration Statement
Definition: A legal document filed with the SEC to register securities for public offering that details the purpose of the proposed public offering. The statement outlines financial details, a history of the company's operations and management, and other facts of importance to potential buyers. See: Registration.
Definition: A mathematical technique used to explain and/or predict. The general form is Y = a + bX + u, where Y is the variable that we are trying to predict; X is the variable that we are using to predict Y, a is the intercept; b is the slope, and u is the regression residual. The a and b are chosen in a way to minimize the squared sum of the residuals. The ability to fit or explain is measured by the R-square.