Super Finance Glossary
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Public Housing Authority Bond
Definition: Bonds of local public housing agencies that are secured by the federal government and whose proceeds are used to provide low-rent housing.
Definition: Bonds of local public housing agencies that are secured by the federal government and whose proceeds are used to provide low-rent housing.
Public Limited Partnership
Definition: A limited partnership with an unlimited number of partners that is registered with the SEC and is available for public trading by broker/dealers.
Definition: A limited partnership with an unlimited number of partners that is registered with the SEC and is available for public trading by broker/dealers.
Public Offering
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. Offering to the investment public, after compliance with registration requirements of the SEC, usually by an investment banker or a syndicate made up of several investment bankers, at a price agreed upon between the issuer and the investment bankers. Antithesis of private placement. See: Primary distribution and secondary distribution.
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. Offering to the investment public, after compliance with registration requirements of the SEC, usually by an investment banker or a syndicate made up of several investment bankers, at a price agreed upon between the issuer and the investment bankers. Antithesis of private placement. See: Primary distribution and secondary distribution.
Public Offering Price
Definition: The price of a new issue of securities at the time that the issue is offered to the public.
Definition: The price of a new issue of securities at the time that the issue is offered to the public.
Public Securities Association(PSA)
Definition: The trade association for primary dealers in US government securities, including MBSs. In 1997, they became known as the Bond Market Association.
Definition: The trade association for primary dealers in US government securities, including MBSs. In 1997, they became known as the Bond Market Association.
Public Securities Offering
Definition: A securities issue placed with the public through an investment or commercial bank.
Definition: A securities issue placed with the public through an investment or commercial bank.
Public Utility Holding Company Act Of 1935
Definition: Legislation intended to eliminate many holding company abuses by reorganizing the financial structures of holding companies in the gas and electric utility industries and regulating their debt and dividend policies.
Definition: Legislation intended to eliminate many holding company abuses by reorganizing the financial structures of holding companies in the gas and electric utility industries and regulating their debt and dividend policies.
Public Warehouse
Definition: Storage facility operated by an independent warehouse company on its own premises.
Definition: Storage facility operated by an independent warehouse company on its own premises.
Public-purpose Bond
Definition: A specific type of municipal bond used to finance public projects such as roads or government buildings. Interest on municipal bonds is federal income tax-free.
Definition: A specific type of municipal bond used to finance public projects such as roads or government buildings. Interest on municipal bonds is federal income tax-free.
Publicly Held
Definition: Describes a company whose stock is held by the public, whether individuals or business entities.
Definition: Describes a company whose stock is held by the public, whether individuals or business entities.
Publicly Traded Assets
Definition: Assets that can be traded in a public market, such as the stock market.
Definition: Assets that can be traded in a public market, such as the stock market.
Definition: Slang for a trader selling a position, usually a losing position, as in, "When in doubt, puke it out."
Definition: Slang for a trader selling a position, usually a losing position, as in, "When in doubt, puke it out."
Pulling In Their Horns
Definition: Investors selling off positions after a stock or bond market has increased sharply or setting up hedging positions to guard against a negative turn of the market.
Definition: Investors selling off positions after a stock or bond market has increased sharply or setting up hedging positions to guard against a negative turn of the market.
Purchase Accounting
Definition: Method of accounting for a merger that treats the acquirer as having purchased the assets and assumed the liabilities of the acquiree, which are then written up or down to their respective fair market values. The difference between the purchase price and the net assets acquired is attributed to goodwill.
Definition: Method of accounting for a merger that treats the acquirer as having purchased the assets and assumed the liabilities of the acquiree, which are then written up or down to their respective fair market values. The difference between the purchase price and the net assets acquired is attributed to goodwill.
Purchase Agreement
Definition: Used in connection with project financing; an agreement to purchase a specific amount of project output per period.
Definition: Used in connection with project financing; an agreement to purchase a specific amount of project output per period.
Purchase And Assumption (P&A)
Definition: A resolution method in which a healthy insured institution purchases some or all of the assets and assumes the deposit liabilities of a failed bank or thrift. On a case-by-case basis, the assuming institution's bid may be sufficient to allow assumption of all the deposit liabilities of the failing institution, including the uninsured deposits.
Definition: A resolution method in which a healthy insured institution purchases some or all of the assets and assumes the deposit liabilities of a failed bank or thrift. On a case-by-case basis, the assuming institution's bid may be sufficient to allow assumption of all the deposit liabilities of the failing institution, including the uninsured deposits.