Super Finance Glossary


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Proxy Committee
Definition: A group of individuals appointed by the board of directors of the companies to formally represent the shareholders who send in proxy cards, to vote the represented shares in accordance with the shareholders' instructions.
Proxy Committee Ballot
Definition: The ballot signed and submitted at the meeting by the Proxy Committee. It is the legal voting of shares represented by proxies assigned to the Proxy Committee and should always be completed.
Proxy Contest
Definition: A battle for the control of a firm in which a dissident group seeks, from the firm's other shareholders, the right to vote those shareholders' shares in favor of the dissident group's slate of directors. Also called proxy fights.
Proxy Fight
Definition: Often used in risk arbitrage. Technique used by an acquiring company to attempt to gain control of a takeover target. The acquirer tries to persuade the shareholders of the target company that the present management of the firm should be ousted n favor of a slate of directors favorable to the acquirer, thus enabling the acquiring company to gain control of the company without paying a premium price.
Proxy Solicitor
Definition: A specialist (firm) hired to gather proxy votes.
Proxy Statement
Definition: Document intended to provide shareholders with information necessary to vote in an informed manner on matters to be brought up at a stockholders' meeting. Includes information on closely held shares. Information required by the SEC that must be provided to shareholders who wish to vote for directors and on other company decisions by proxy.
Proxy Vote
Definition: Vote cast by one person or entity on behalf of another.
Prudent-man Rule
Definition: A common law standard against which those investing the money of others fiduciaries are judged.
Definition: The two-character ISO 3166 country code for PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED.
PSA Prepayment Rate
Definition: The Bond Market Trade Association's Mortgaged Asset-Backed Securities Division's prepayment model based on an assumed rate of prepayment each month of the then unpaid principal balance of a pool of mortgages. PSA is used primarily to derive an implied prepayment speed of new production loans. 00% PSA assumes a prepayment rate of 2% per month in the first month following the date of issue, increasing at 2% percentage points per month thereafter until the 30th month. Thereafter, 100% PSA is the same as 6% CPR (Constant prepayment rate).
Definition: Financial ratio defined as stock price divided by sales over sales growth. Often used in the valuation of Internet stocks. Related: PREG.
Definition: The two-character ISO 3166 country code for PORTUGAL.
Definition: The ISO 4217 currency code for the Portugese Escudo.
Definition: In trade parlance, non-professional speculators as distinguished from hedgers and professional speculators or traders.
Public Book (of Order)
Definition: The orders to buy or sell, entered by the public, that are generally away from the current market. The order book official or specialist keeps the public book. Market-Makers on the CBOE can see the highest bid and lowest offer at any time. The specialist's book is closed (only he knows at what price and in what quantity the nearest public orders are). See also Market-Maker and Specialist.
Public Company
Definition: A company that has held an initial public offering and whose shares are traded on a stock exchange or in the over-the-counter market. Public companies are subject to periodic filing and other obligations under the federal securities laws.
Public Debt
Definition: Issues of debt by governments to compensate for a lack of tax revenues.
Public Elevators
Definition: Grain elevators in which bulk storage of grain is provided to the public for a fee. Grain of the same grade but owned by different persons is usually mixed or commingled as opposed to storing it "identity preserved." Some elevators are approved by exchanges as regular (see Regular Warehouse) for delivery on futures contracts.
Public Goods And Services
Definition: Benefits that cannot be withheld from those who don't pay for them, and benefits that may be "consumed" by one person without reducing the amount of the product available for others. Examples include national defense, streetlights, and roads and highways. Public services include welfare programs, law enforcement, and monitoring and regulating trade and the economy.