Super Finance Glossary
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Plow Back
Definition: To reinvest earnings in a business rather than pay out them out as dividends. Common practice in high-growth companies.
Definition: To reinvest earnings in a business rather than pay out them out as dividends. Common practice in high-growth companies.
Definition: Used to quote a price in 64ths. Dealers in government bonds normally give price quotes in 32nds. To quote a bid or offer in 64ths, they use pluses; a dealer who bids 4+ is bidding the handle plus 4/32 + 1/64, which equals the handle plus 9/64.
Definition: Used to quote a price in 64ths. Dealers in government bonds normally give price quotes in 32nds. To quote a bid or offer in 64ths, they use pluses; a dealer who bids 4+ is bidding the handle plus 4/32 + 1/64, which equals the handle plus 9/64.
Plus A Match
Definition: Used for listed equity securities. Floor indication that someone is on the floor with equal priority standing who wants to buy/sell at least the same number of shares at the same price as one's own order. Outside. See: Matched orders. Compare to ahead.
Definition: Used for listed equity securities. Floor indication that someone is on the floor with equal priority standing who wants to buy/sell at least the same number of shares at the same price as one's own order. Outside. See: Matched orders. Compare to ahead.
Plus Tick
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. Trade occurring at a price higher than the previous sale. Uptick. Antithesis of minus tick. See: Short sale.
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. Trade occurring at a price higher than the previous sale. Uptick. Antithesis of minus tick. See: Short sale.
Plus Tick Seller
Definition: Used for listed equity securities. A short seller (referring to the regulation requiring a plus tick to short).
Definition: Used for listed equity securities. A short seller (referring to the regulation requiring a plus tick to short).
Definition: The smallest unit of price change quoted, or one one-hundredth of a percent. Related: Minimum price fluctuation and tick.
Definition: The smallest unit of price change quoted, or one one-hundredth of a percent. Related: Minimum price fluctuation and tick.
Point And Figure Chart
Definition: A price-only chart that takes into account only whole integer changes in price, i.e., a 2-point change. Point and figure charting disregards the element of time and is used solely to record changes in price.
Definition: A price-only chart that takes into account only whole integer changes in price, i.e., a 2-point change. Point and figure charting disregards the element of time and is used solely to record changes in price.
Point Attractor
Definition: In non-linear dynamics, an attractor where all orbits in phase space are drawn to one point, or value. Essentially, any system which tends to a stable, single valued equilibrium will have a point attractor. A pendulum which is damped by friction will always stop, so its phase space will always be drawn to the point where velocity and position are equal to zero. See: Attractor, Phase Space.
Definition: In non-linear dynamics, an attractor where all orbits in phase space are drawn to one point, or value. Essentially, any system which tends to a stable, single valued equilibrium will have a point attractor. A pendulum which is damped by friction will always stop, so its phase space will always be drawn to the point where velocity and position are equal to zero. See: Attractor, Phase Space.
Point Balance
Definition: A statement prepared by Futures Commission Merchants to show profit or loss on all open contracts using an official closing or settlement price, usually at calendar month end.
Definition: A statement prepared by Futures Commission Merchants to show profit or loss on all open contracts using an official closing or settlement price, usually at calendar month end.
Definition: A method of charting that uses prices to form patterns of movement without regard to time. It defines a price trend as a continued movement in one direction until a reversal of a predetermined criterion is met.
Definition: A method of charting that uses prices to form patterns of movement without regard to time. It defines a price trend as a continued movement in one direction until a reversal of a predetermined criterion is met.
Points Quote
Definition: An abbreviated form of the outright quote used by traders in the interbank market.
Definition: An abbreviated form of the outright quote used by traders in the interbank market.
Poison Pill
Definition: Anti-takeover device that gives a prospective acquiree's shareholders the right to buy shares of the firm or shares of anyone who acquires the firm at a deep discount to their fair market value. Named after the cyanide pill that secret government agents are said to be instructed to swallow if capture is imminent.
Definition: Anti-takeover device that gives a prospective acquiree's shareholders the right to buy shares of the firm or shares of anyone who acquires the firm at a deep discount to their fair market value. Named after the cyanide pill that secret government agents are said to be instructed to swallow if capture is imminent.
Poison Put
Definition: A covenant allowing the bondholder to demand repayment in the event of a hostile takeover.
Definition: A covenant allowing the bondholder to demand repayment in the event of a hostile takeover.
Policy Asset Allocation
Definition: Way in which an investor seeks to assess an appropriate long-term "normal" mix of assets that represents an ideal blend of controlled risk and enhanced return.
Definition: Way in which an investor seeks to assess an appropriate long-term "normal" mix of assets that represents an ideal blend of controlled risk and enhanced return.
Policy Limit
Definition: The maximum dollar amount of coverage provided by an insurance company for a certain policy.
Definition: The maximum dollar amount of coverage provided by an insurance company for a certain policy.