Super Finance Glossary
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Definition: The marketing of new securities, usually through sales to institutional investors. See: Float.
Definition: The marketing of new securities, usually through sales to institutional investors. See: Float.
Placement Ratio
Definition: The percentages of last week's new municipal bond offerings that have been bought from the underwriters, according to the Bond Buyer newspaper.
Definition: The percentages of last week's new municipal bond offerings that have been bought from the underwriters, according to the Bond Buyer newspaper.
Plain Vanilla
Definition: A term that refers to a relatively simple derivative financial instrument, usually a swap or other derivative that is issued with standard features.
Definition: A term that refers to a relatively simple derivative financial instrument, usually a swap or other derivative that is issued with standard features.
Plan Agreement
Definition: A document detailing the terms and conditions of a retirement plan such as an IRA.
Definition: A document detailing the terms and conditions of a retirement plan such as an IRA.
Plan For Reorganization
Definition: A plan for reorganizing a firm during the Chapter 11 bankruptcy process.
Definition: A plan for reorganizing a firm during the Chapter 11 bankruptcy process.
Plan Participants
Definition: Employees or other beneficiaries who are eligible to receive benefits from a company's employee benefit plan.
Definition: Employees or other beneficiaries who are eligible to receive benefits from a company's employee benefit plan.
Plan Sponsors
Definition: The entities that establish pension plans, including private business entities acting for their employees; state and local entities operating on behalf of their employees; unions acting on behalf of their members; and individuals representing themselves.
Definition: The entities that establish pension plans, including private business entities acting for their employees; state and local entities operating on behalf of their employees; unions acting on behalf of their members; and individuals representing themselves.
Planned Amortization Class (PAC)
Definition: (1) The class of CMO that has the most stable cash flows and the lowest prepayment risk of any class of CMO. Because of a stable cash flow, it is considered the least risky CMO. (2) A CMO bond class that stipulates cash flow contributions to a sinking fund. A PAC directs principal payments to the sinking fund on a priority basis in accordance with a predetermined payment schedule, with prior claim to the cash flows before other CMO classes. Similarly, cash flows received by the trust in excess of the sinking fund requirement are also allocated to other bond classes. The prepayment experience of the PAC is therefore very stable over a wide range of prepayment experience.
Definition: (1) The class of CMO that has the most stable cash flows and the lowest prepayment risk of any class of CMO. Because of a stable cash flow, it is considered the least risky CMO. (2) A CMO bond class that stipulates cash flow contributions to a sinking fund. A PAC directs principal payments to the sinking fund on a priority basis in accordance with a predetermined payment schedule, with prior claim to the cash flows before other CMO classes. Similarly, cash flows received by the trust in excess of the sinking fund requirement are also allocated to other bond classes. The prepayment experience of the PAC is therefore very stable over a wide range of prepayment experience.
Planned Capital Expenditure Program
Definition: Budgeted or projected outlays for major expenditures on permanent or fixed assets as outlined in the corporate financial plan.
Definition: Budgeted or projected outlays for major expenditures on permanent or fixed assets as outlined in the corporate financial plan.
Planned Financing Program
Definition: Budgeted or projected ways need for reasons or to obtain short-term and long-term financing as outlined in the corporate financial plan.
Definition: Budgeted or projected ways need for reasons or to obtain short-term and long-term financing as outlined in the corporate financial plan.
Planning Horizon
Definition: The length of time a model or investor or plan projects into the future.
Definition: The length of time a model or investor or plan projects into the future.
Definition: The assets of a business including land, buildings, machinery, and all equipment permanently employed.
Definition: The assets of a business including land, buildings, machinery, and all equipment permanently employed.
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. Customer or trader who is actively involved in a particular stock or the market in general.
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. Customer or trader who is actively involved in a particular stock or the market in general.
Playing The Market
Definition: Trading in high, uncalculated risk usually refers to actions of amateur investors.
Definition: Trading in high, uncalculated risk usually refers to actions of amateur investors.
Plaza Accord
Definition: Agreement among country representatives in 1985 to implement a coordinated program to weaken the dollar.
Definition: Agreement among country representatives in 1985 to implement a coordinated program to weaken the dollar.