Super Finance Glossary
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Normal Investment Practice
Definition: The investment history of a customer, which is used as a benchmark to test the bona fide public offerings requirement of the allocation of a hot issue.
Definition: The investment history of a customer, which is used as a benchmark to test the bona fide public offerings requirement of the allocation of a hot issue.
Normal Market Size (NMS)
Definition: A system that categorizes the size of transactions that are normal for a particular security and forces market makers to deal within these sizes.
Definition: A system that categorizes the size of transactions that are normal for a particular security and forces market makers to deal within these sizes.
Normal Portfolio
Definition: A customized benchmark that includes all the securities from which a manager normally chooses, weighted as the manager would weight them in a portfolio.
Definition: A customized benchmark that includes all the securities from which a manager normally chooses, weighted as the manager would weight them in a portfolio.
Normal Probability Distribution
Definition: A probability distribution for a continuous random variable that forms a symmetrical bell-shaped curve around the mean. This distribution has no skewness or excess kurtosis.
Definition: A probability distribution for a continuous random variable that forms a symmetrical bell-shaped curve around the mean. This distribution has no skewness or excess kurtosis.
Normal Random Variable
Definition: A random variable that has a normal probability distribution.
Definition: A random variable that has a normal probability distribution.
Normal Retirement
Definition: The age or number of working years after which a pension plan beneficiary can retire and receive unreduced benefits immediately.
Definition: The age or number of working years after which a pension plan beneficiary can retire and receive unreduced benefits immediately.
Normalized Earnings
Definition: Earnings that have been adjusted in order to take into account the effect of cycles in the economy.
Definition: Earnings that have been adjusted in order to take into account the effect of cycles in the economy.
Normalizing Method
Definition: Making a change in the income account equivalent to the tax savings realized through the use of different depreciation methods for shareholder and income tax purposes, thus washing out the benefits of the tax savings reported as final net income to shareholders.
Definition: Making a change in the income account equivalent to the tax savings realized through the use of different depreciation methods for shareholder and income tax purposes, thus washing out the benefits of the tax savings reported as final net income to shareholders.
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Definition: A regional trade pact among the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
Definition: A regional trade pact among the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
Not A Name With Us
Definition: Refers to over-the-counter trading. Not a registered market maker in the security, especially in OTC and convertibles, or having nothing real to do.
Definition: Refers to over-the-counter trading. Not a registered market maker in the security, especially in OTC and convertibles, or having nothing real to do.
Not Held Order (NH Order)
Definition: Applies mainly to international equities. Market or limit order in which the customer does not desire to transact automatically at the inside market (market held) but instead has given the trader or floor broker (listed stock) time and price discretion in transacting on a best-efforts basis. This will not hold the broker responsible for missing the price within the limits (limit not held) or obtaining a worse price (market not held). The order is marked "not held, disregard tape/DRT, take time" or bears any such qualifying notation, excluding "or better." See: Held order.
Definition: Applies mainly to international equities. Market or limit order in which the customer does not desire to transact automatically at the inside market (market held) but instead has given the trader or floor broker (listed stock) time and price discretion in transacting on a best-efforts basis. This will not hold the broker responsible for missing the price within the limits (limit not held) or obtaining a worse price (market not held). The order is marked "not held, disregard tape/DRT, take time" or bears any such qualifying notation, excluding "or better." See: Held order.
Not Rated
Definition: A rating service indicator, neither positive nor negative, showing that a security or company has not been rated.
Definition: A rating service indicator, neither positive nor negative, showing that a security or company has not been rated.
Definition: An organization established for charitable, humanitarian, or educational purposes that is exempt from some taxes and in which no one in profits or losses.
Definition: An organization established for charitable, humanitarian, or educational purposes that is exempt from some taxes and in which no one in profits or losses.
Definition: Debt instruments with initial maturities longer than one year and shorter than 10 years.
Definition: Debt instruments with initial maturities longer than one year and shorter than 10 years.
Note Issuance Facility (NIF)
Definition: An agreement by which a syndicate of banks indicates a willingness to accept short-term notes from borrowers and resell these notes in the Eurocurrency markets.
Definition: An agreement by which a syndicate of banks indicates a willingness to accept short-term notes from borrowers and resell these notes in the Eurocurrency markets.
Notes To The Financial Statements
Definition: A detailed set of notes immediately following the financial statements in an annual report that explain and expand on the information in the financial statements.
Definition: A detailed set of notes immediately following the financial statements in an annual report that explain and expand on the information in the financial statements.