Super Finance Glossary
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Nonpurpose Loan
Definition: A loan with securities pledged as collateral, but which is not to be used in securities trading or transactions.
Definition: A loan with securities pledged as collateral, but which is not to be used in securities trading or transactions.
Nonqualified Plan
Definition: A retirement plan that does not meet the IRS requirements for favorable tax treatment.
Definition: A retirement plan that does not meet the IRS requirements for favorable tax treatment.
Nonqualifying Annuity
Definition: An annuity that does not fall under an IRS-approved pension plan. Contributions are made with after-tax dollars, but earnings can accumulate tax-deferred until withdrawal.
Definition: An annuity that does not fall under an IRS-approved pension plan. Contributions are made with after-tax dollars, but earnings can accumulate tax-deferred until withdrawal.
Nonqualifying Stock Option
Definition: An employee stock option that does not satisfy IRS qualifying rules and therefore is liable for taxation upon exercise .
Definition: An employee stock option that does not satisfy IRS qualifying rules and therefore is liable for taxation upon exercise .
Definition: A bond that has not been rated by a large rating agency, usually because the issue is too small.
Definition: A bond that has not been rated by a large rating agency, usually because the issue is too small.
Definition: In the case of default, the lender has no ability to claim assets over and above what the limited partners contributed.
Definition: In the case of default, the lender has no ability to claim assets over and above what the limited partners contributed.
Nonrecourse Loan
Definition: A loan for which no partner or related person bears the economic risk of loss. For example, if a partnership fails to repay a nonrecourse loan, the lender has no recourse against any partner except to foreclose of the assets used to secure the loan.
Definition: A loan for which no partner or related person bears the economic risk of loss. For example, if a partnership fails to repay a nonrecourse loan, the lender has no recourse against any partner except to foreclose of the assets used to secure the loan.
Nonrecurring Charge
Definition: A one-time expense or credit shown in a company's financial statement.
Definition: A one-time expense or credit shown in a company's financial statement.
Nonreproducible Assets
Definition: A tangible asset with unique physical properties, like a parcel of land, a mine, or a work of art.
Definition: A tangible asset with unique physical properties, like a parcel of land, a mine, or a work of art.
Definition: Property designed for use by retail, wholesale, office, hotel, service, or other commercial use.
Definition: Property designed for use by retail, wholesale, office, hotel, service, or other commercial use.
Nonsterilized Intervention
Definition: Taking an action in the foreign exchange market without adjusting for changes in money supply.
Definition: Taking an action in the foreign exchange market without adjusting for changes in money supply.
Nonsystematic Risk
Definition: Nonmarket or firm-specific risk factors that can be eliminated by diversification. Also called unique risk or diversifiable risk. Systematic risk refers to risk factors common to the entire economy.
Definition: Nonmarket or firm-specific risk factors that can be eliminated by diversification. Also called unique risk or diversifiable risk. Systematic risk refers to risk factors common to the entire economy.
Definition: Goods and services produced and consumed domestically that are not close substitutes to import or export goods and services.
Definition: Goods and services produced and consumed domestically that are not close substitutes to import or export goods and services.
Nonvoting Stock
Definition: A security that does not entitle the holder to vote on the corporation's resolutions or elections.
Definition: A security that does not entitle the holder to vote on the corporation's resolutions or elections.
Normal Backwardation Theory
Definition: Holds that the futures price will be bid down to a level below the expected spot price.
Definition: Holds that the futures price will be bid down to a level below the expected spot price.
Normal Distribution
Definition: The well known bell shaped curve. According to the Central Limit Theorem, the probability density function of a large number of independent, identically distributed random numbers will approach the normal distribution. In the fractal family of distributions, the normal distribution only exists when alpha equals 2, or the Hurst exponent equals 0.50. Thus, the normal distribution is a special case which in time series analysis is quite rare. See: Alpha, Central Limit Theorem, Fractal Distribution.
Definition: The well known bell shaped curve. According to the Central Limit Theorem, the probability density function of a large number of independent, identically distributed random numbers will approach the normal distribution. In the fractal family of distributions, the normal distribution only exists when alpha equals 2, or the Hurst exponent equals 0.50. Thus, the normal distribution is a special case which in time series analysis is quite rare. See: Alpha, Central Limit Theorem, Fractal Distribution.