Super Finance Glossary
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Definition: Excess of purchase price over fair market value of net assets acquired under the purchase method of accounting.
Definition: Excess of purchase price over fair market value of net assets acquired under the purchase method of accounting.
Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae)
Definition: A wholly owned U.S. government corporation within the Department of Housing & Urban Development. Ginnie Mae guarantees the timely payment of principal and interest on securities issued by approved servicers that are collateralized by FHA-issued, VA-guaranteed, or Farmers Home Administration (FmHA)-guaranteed mortgages.
Definition: A wholly owned U.S. government corporation within the Department of Housing & Urban Development. Ginnie Mae guarantees the timely payment of principal and interest on securities issued by approved servicers that are collateralized by FHA-issued, VA-guaranteed, or Farmers Home Administration (FmHA)-guaranteed mortgages.
Government Obligations
Definition: U.S. government-backed debt instruments, which are considered among the safest investments possible, including Treasury bonds, bills, and notes, and savings bonds.
Definition: U.S. government-backed debt instruments, which are considered among the safest investments possible, including Treasury bonds, bills, and notes, and savings bonds.
Government Sponsored Enterprises
Definition: Privately owned, publicly chartered entities, such as the Student Loan Marketing Association, created by Congress to reduce the cost of capital for certain borrowing sectors of the economy including farmers, homeowners, and students.
Definition: Privately owned, publicly chartered entities, such as the Student Loan Marketing Association, created by Congress to reduce the cost of capital for certain borrowing sectors of the economy including farmers, homeowners, and students.
Definition: U.S. government-issued securities, such as Treasury bills, bonds, and notes, and savings bonds. Governments are considered among the safest investments available as they are backed by the U.S. government.
Definition: U.S. government-issued securities, such as Treasury bills, bonds, and notes, and savings bonds. Governments are considered among the safest investments available as they are backed by the U.S. government.
Grace Period
Definition: The time period stipulated in most loan contracts and insurance policies during which a late payment will not result in default or cancellation.
Definition: The time period stipulated in most loan contracts and insurance policies during which a late payment will not result in default or cancellation.
Grading Certificates
Definition: A formal document setting forth the quality of a commodity as determined by authorized inspectors or graders.
Definition: A formal document setting forth the quality of a commodity as determined by authorized inspectors or graders.
Graduated Call Writing
Definition: Selling covered call options at incrementally rising exercise prices, so that as the price of the underlying stock rises and the options are exercised, the seller receives a higher average price than the original exercise price.
Definition: Selling covered call options at incrementally rising exercise prices, so that as the price of the underlying stock rises and the options are exercised, the seller receives a higher average price than the original exercise price.
Graduated Lease
Definition: A type of long-term lease whose payments are variable rather than fixed, and depend upon a benchmark rate, such as changes in the consumer price index.
Definition: A type of long-term lease whose payments are variable rather than fixed, and depend upon a benchmark rate, such as changes in the consumer price index.
Graduated Payment
Definition: Repayment terms calling for gradual increases in the payments on a closed-end obligation. A graduated payment loan usually involves negative amortization.
Definition: Repayment terms calling for gradual increases in the payments on a closed-end obligation. A graduated payment loan usually involves negative amortization.
Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM)
Definition: A mortgage requiring lower payments in early years than in later years. Payments increase in steps until the installments are sufficient to amortize the loan. Allows for negative amortization in the early years.
Definition: A mortgage requiring lower payments in early years than in later years. Payments increase in steps until the installments are sufficient to amortize the loan. Allows for negative amortization in the early years.
Graduated Security
Definition: A security that has moved from listing on an exchange of less prominence to one of more prominence.
Definition: A security that has moved from listing on an exchange of less prominence to one of more prominence.
Graduated-payment Mortgage (GPM)
Definition: A type of stepped-payment loan in which the borrower's payments are initially lower than those on a comparable level-rate mortgage. The payments gradually increase over a predetermined period (usually 3, 5, or 7 years), and then are fixed at a level-pay schedule, which will be higher than the level-pay amortization of a level-pay mortgage originated at the same time. The difference between what the borrower actually pays and the amount required to fully amortize the mortgage is added to the unpaid principal balance.
Definition: A type of stepped-payment loan in which the borrower's payments are initially lower than those on a comparable level-rate mortgage. The payments gradually increase over a predetermined period (usually 3, 5, or 7 years), and then are fixed at a level-pay schedule, which will be higher than the level-pay amortization of a level-pay mortgage originated at the same time. The difference between what the borrower actually pays and the amount required to fully amortize the mortgage is added to the unpaid principal balance.