Super Finance Glossary


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Gold Fixing
Definition: The process of determining the price of gold based on supply and demand forces of the market; which occurs twice daily in London.
Gold Fixing (Gold Fix)
Definition: The setting of the gold price at 10:30 AM (first fixing) and 3:00 PM (second fixing) in London by representatives of the London Gold Market.
Gold Mutual Fund
Definition: A mutual fund that primarily invests in gold-mining companies' stock.
Gold Standard
Definition: An international monetary system in which currencies are defined in terms of their gold content, and payment imbalances between countries are settled in gold. It was in effect from about 1870 to 1914.
Gold/Silver Ratio
Definition: The number of ounces of silver required to buy one ounce of gold at current spot prices.
Definition: Analysts who recommends gold as an investment/hedge.
Golden Handcuffs
Definition: A contract that binds a broker to a brokerage firm by offering the broker commissions and bonuses, but penalizes the broker if he or she goes to work for another firm.
Golden Handshake
Definition: A large payment to a senior employee who is forced into retirement or fired as a result of a takeover or simular development.
Golden Hello
Definition: A bonus a securities firm pays to attract an employee from a competing firm.
Golden Parachute
Definition: Compensation paid to top-level management by a target firm if a takeover occurs.
Goldilocks Economy
Definition: A term developed in the mid 1990s to describe the positive performance of the economy as "not too hot, not too cold; just right."
Good 'til Cancelled Order (GTC)
Definition: An order to buy or sell stock that is good until you execute or cancel it. Brokerages usually set a limit of 30-60 days, at which the G.T.C. order expires if not restated. (Different from a day order.)
Good 'Till Canceled Order (GTC)
Definition: Order which is valid at any time Open Order.
Good Delivery
Definition: A delivery in which everything - order-endorsement, any necessary attached legal papers.
Good Delivery And Settlement Procedures
Definition: Refers to PSA Uniform Practices such as cutoff times on delivery of securities and notification, allocation, and proper endorsement.
Good Faith Deposit
Definition: Used in the context of commodities. Refers to the initial margin account deposit needed when buying or selling a futures contract; approximately 2%-10% of the contract value.
Good Money
Definition: Federal funds that clear on the same day, unlike clearinghouse funds, which require three days to clear.
Good This Week Order (GTW)
Definition: Order which is valid only for the week in which it is placed.
Good Through/until Date Order
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. Market or limited price order that remains viable for a stated period of time unless cancelled, executed, or changed, after which such order or the portion thereof not executed is to be treated as cancelled.
Good-this-Month Order (GTM)
Definition: An order to buy or sell securities that continues to be a valid order until the end of the current month.