Super Finance Glossary


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Delta Margining Or Delta-Based Margining
Definition: An option margining system used by some exchanges that equates the changes in option premiums with the changes in the price of the underlying futures contract to determine risk factors upon which to base the margin requirements.
Delta Neutral
Definition: Describes value of a portfolio not affected by changes in the value of the asset on which the options are written.
Delta Spread
Definition: A ratio spread that is established as a neutral position by utilizing the deltas of the options involved. The neutral ratio is determined by dividing the delta of the purchased option by the delta of the written option. See also Ratio Spread and Delta.
Definition: The ISO 4217 currency code for Deutschemark.
Demand Deposits
Definition: Checking accounts that pay no interest and from which funds can be withdrawn upon demand.
Demand Line Of Credit
Definition: A bank line of credit that enables a customer to borrow on a daily or on-demand basis.
Demand Loan
Definition: A loan which can be called by the lender at any time and carries no set maturity date.
Demand Master Notes
Definition: Short-term securities that are repayable immediately upon the holder's demand.
Demand Shock
Definition: An event that affects the demand for goods and services in an economy.
Demand-pull Inflation
Definition: A theory of inflation or price increases resulting from so-called excess demand. Related: Cost-push inflation.
Definition: Corresponds to the face value of currency units, coins, and securities. An international transaction may be denominated in US dollars, for example, or in British pounds.
Dependency Exemption
Definition: Amount that taxpayers can claim for their eligible dependents. Each exemption reduces the income subject to tax. The exemption amount is a set amount that changes from year to year.
Definition: Acceptance of a capital budgeting project contingent on the acceptance of another project.
Dependent Variable
Definition: Term used in regression analysis to represent the element or condition that is dependent on values of one or more other independent variables.
Definition: The initial outlay required of a client by a futures position to open a futures position, returnable upon liquidation of that position. See also margin.
Deposit Insurance National Bank (DINB)
Definition: The Banking Act of 1933 authorized the FDIC to establish a "new" bank called a DINB to assume the insured deposits of a failed bank. Passage of the act permitted the FDIC to pay the depositors of a failed FDIC insured institution through a DINB, a national bank that was chartered with limited life and powers. Depositors of a DINB were given up to two years to move their insured accounts to other institutions. A DINB allowed a failed bank to be liquidated in an orderly fashion, minimizing disruption to local communities and financial markets.
Deposit Payoff
Definition: A resolution method for failed FDIC insured institutions that is used when liquidation of the institution is determined to be the least costly resolution or when no assuming institution can be found. Deposit payoffs generally have two forms: (1) a straight deposit payoff, in which the FDIC directly pays the insured amount of each depositor, and (2) an insured deposit transfer, in which a healthy institution is paid by the FDIC to act as its agent and pay the insured deposits to customers of the failed institution. A deposit payoff is sometimes called a payoff. (Also see insured deposit transfer, payoff, and straight deposit payoff.)
Definition: An agent appointed for a Tender or Exchange Offer who accepts certificates from shareholders, processes them and assures that the appropriate cash or new securities are properly remitted to the tendering party.