Super Finance Glossary
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Consolidated Mortgage Bond
Definition: A bond that covers several units of property, sometimes refinancing mortgages on the properties.
Definition: A bond that covers several units of property, sometimes refinancing mortgages on the properties.
Consolidated Tape
Definition: Used for listed equity securities. Combined ticker tapes of the NYSE and the curb. Network A covers the NYSE-listed securities and is used to identify the originating market. Network B does the same for AMEX-listed securities and also reports on securities listed on regional stock exchanges. See: tape.
Definition: Used for listed equity securities. Combined ticker tapes of the NYSE and the curb. Network A covers the NYSE-listed securities and is used to identify the originating market. Network B does the same for AMEX-listed securities and also reports on securities listed on regional stock exchanges. See: tape.
Consolidated Tax Return
Definition: A tax return combining the reports of affiliated companies, that are at least 80% owned by a parent company.
Definition: A tax return combining the reports of affiliated companies, that are at least 80% owned by a parent company.
Consolidation Loan
Definition: A loan that is used to combine and finance payments on other loans.
Definition: A loan that is used to combine and finance payments on other loans.
Definition: A group of companies that cooperate and share resources in order to achieve a common objective.
Definition: A group of companies that cooperate and share resources in order to achieve a common objective.
Consortium Banks
Definition: A merchant banking subsidiary set up by several banks that may or may not be of the same nationality. Consortium banks are common in the Euromarket and are active in loan syndication.
Definition: A merchant banking subsidiary set up by several banks that may or may not be of the same nationality. Consortium banks are common in the Euromarket and are active in loan syndication.
Constant Dollar
Definition: Condition in which inflation or escalation is not applicable. Prices and costs are deescalated or reescalated to a single point in time.
Definition: Condition in which inflation or escalation is not applicable. Prices and costs are deescalated or reescalated to a single point in time.
Constant Ratio Plan
Definition: Maintaining a predetermined ratio between stock and fixed income investments through regular adjustments of distribution of funds into different investments. See: formula investing.
Definition: Maintaining a predetermined ratio between stock and fixed income investments through regular adjustments of distribution of funds into different investments. See: formula investing.
Constant Yield Method
Definition: Allocation of annual interest on a zero-coupon security for income tax use.
Definition: Allocation of annual interest on a zero-coupon security for income tax use.
Constant-dollar Plan
Definition: Method of purchasing securities by investing a fixed amount of money at set intervals. The investor buys more shares when the price is low and fewer shares when the price is high, thus reducing the average cost.
Definition: Method of purchasing securities by investing a fixed amount of money at set intervals. The investor buys more shares when the price is low and fewer shares when the price is high, thus reducing the average cost.
Constant-growth Model
Definition: Also called the Gordon-Shapiro model, an application of the dividend discount model that assumes (1) a fixed growth rate for future dividends, and (2) a single discount rate.
Definition: Also called the Gordon-Shapiro model, an application of the dividend discount model that assumes (1) a fixed growth rate for future dividends, and (2) a single discount rate.
Constructive Receipt
Definition: The date a taxpayer receives dividends or other income, for use in the determination of taxes.
Definition: The date a taxpayer receives dividends or other income, for use in the determination of taxes.
Consular Invoice
Definition: A document prepared by the shipper and certified in the country of origin by a consul of the country of importation. It shows the transaction details and origin of the goods.
Definition: A document prepared by the shipper and certified in the country of origin by a consul of the country of importation. It shows the transaction details and origin of the goods.
Consumer Advisory Council (CAC)
Definition: A statutory body established by Congress in 1976. The Council, with 30 members who represent a broad range of consumer and creditor interests, advises the Federal Reserve Board on the exercise of its responsibilities under the Consumer Credit Protection Act and on other matters on which the Board seeks its advice.
Definition: A statutory body established by Congress in 1976. The Council, with 30 members who represent a broad range of consumer and creditor interests, advises the Federal Reserve Board on the exercise of its responsibilities under the Consumer Credit Protection Act and on other matters on which the Board seeks its advice.
Consumer Credit
Definition: Credit a firm grants to consumers for the purchase of goods or services. Also called retail credit.
Definition: Credit a firm grants to consumers for the purchase of goods or services. Also called retail credit.
Consumer Credit Protection Act Of 1968
Definition: Federal legislation establishing rules for the disclosure of the terms of a loan to protect borrowers. See: Truth in lending.
Definition: Federal legislation establishing rules for the disclosure of the terms of a loan to protect borrowers. See: Truth in lending.
Consumer Debenture
Definition: An investment note issued directly to the public by a financial institution.
Definition: An investment note issued directly to the public by a financial institution.
Consumer Durables
Definition: Consumer products that are expected to last three years or more, such as an automobile or a home appliance.
Definition: Consumer products that are expected to last three years or more, such as an automobile or a home appliance.