Super Finance Glossary


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Conduit Theory
Definition: A theory that because investment companies are merely conduits for capital gains, dividends, and interest, which are in fact passed through to shareholders, the investment company should not be taxed at the corporate level.
Confidence Indicator
Definition: A measure of investors' faith in the economy and the securities market. A low or deteriorating level of confidence is considered by many technical analysts as a bearish sign.
Confidence Letter
Definition: Statement by an investment bank that it is highly confident that the financing for its client/acquirer's takeover can and will be obtained. Often used in risk arbitrage.
Confidence Level
Definition: In risk analysis, the degree of assurance that a specified failure rate is not exceeded.
Definition: The written statement that follows any "trade" in the securities markets. Confirmation is issued immediately after a trade is executed. It spells out settlement date, terms, commission, etc.
Confirmation Statement
Definition: A statement sent by a futures commission merchant to a customer when a futures or options position has been initiated which typically shows the price and the number of contracts bought and sold. See P&S (Purchase and Sale).
Confirmed Letter Of Credit
Definition: A letter of credit which a bank other than the bank that opened it agrees to honor as though they had themselves issued it. This additional confirmation is in addition to the obligation of the bank which issued the letter of credit.
Confirming Bank
Definition: The bank which has confirmed a letter of credit opened by another bank.
Conflict Between Bondholders And Stockholders
Definition: Bondholders and stockholders may have interests in a corporation that conflict. Sources of conflict include dividends, distortion of investment, and underinvestment. Protective covenants in bond documents work to resolve these conflicts.
Conforming Loans
Definition: Mortgage loans that meet the qualifications of Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae, which are bought from lenders and issued as pass-through securities.

(1) A market situation in which shorts attempting to cover their positions are unable to find an adequate supply of contracts provided by longs willing to liquidate or by new sellers willing to enter the market, except at sharply higher prices (see Squeeze, Corner );

(2) in technical analysis, a period of time characterized by repetitious and limited price fluctuations.

Definition: A firm engaged in two or more unrelated businesses.
Conglomerate Merger
Definition: A merger involving two or more firms that are in unrelated businesses.
Consensus Forecast
Definition: The mean of all financial analysts' forecasts for a company.
Definition: A person or entity, including a government agency, appointed by a regulatory authority to operate a troubled financial institution in an effort to conserve, manage, and protect the troubled institution's assets until the institution has stabilized or has been closed by the chartering authority.
Definition: The legal procedure provided by statute for the interim management of financial institutions used by the FDIC and Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC). Under the pass-through receivership method, after the failure of a savings institution, a new institution is chartered and placed under agency conservatorship; the new institution assumes certain liabilities and purchases certain assets from the receiver of the failed institution. Under a straight conservatorship, the FDIC or RTC may be appointed conservator of an open, troubled institution. In each case, the conservator assumes responsibility for operating the institution on an interim basis in accordance with the applicable laws of the federal or state authority that chartered the new institution. Under a conservatorship, the institution's asset base is conserved pending the resolution of the conservatorship.
Definition: The party named in the bill of lading to whom delivery is promised and/or title is passed.
Definition: Transfer of goods to a seller while title to the merchandise is retained by the owner.
Definition: A government bond with no maturity . Popular in Great Britain. The formula for valuing these bonds is simple. The consol payment divided by yield to maturity is the price of the bond.
Consolidated Financial Statement
Definition: A financial statement that shows all the assets, liabilities, and operating accounts of a parent company and its subsidiaries.