Super Finance Glossary
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Asian Option
Definition: Option based on the average price of the underlying assets during the life of the option.
Definition: Option based on the average price of the underlying assets during the life of the option.
Definition: This is the quoted ask, or the lowest price an investor will accept to sell a stock. Practically speaking, this is the quoted offer at which an investor can buy shares of stock; also called the offer price.
Definition: This is the quoted ask, or the lowest price an investor will accept to sell a stock. Practically speaking, this is the quoted offer at which an investor can buy shares of stock; also called the offer price.
Asked Price
Definition: In context of general equities, price at which a security or commodity is offered for sale on an exchange or in the OTC Market.
Definition: In context of general equities, price at which a security or commodity is offered for sale on an exchange or in the OTC Market.
Asked To Bid/offer
Definition: Used in context of general equities. Usually a seller (buyer) looking to aggressively sell (buy) stock, usually asking for a capital commitment from an investment bank.
Definition: Used in context of general equities. Usually a seller (buyer) looking to aggressively sell (buy) stock, usually asking for a capital commitment from an investment bank.
Definition: Australian Stock Price Riskless Indexed Notes. Zero-coupon four-year bonds repayable at face value plus the percentage increase by which the Australian stock index of all ordinaries (common stocks) rises above a predefined level during the given period.
Definition: Australian Stock Price Riskless Indexed Notes. Zero-coupon four-year bonds repayable at face value plus the percentage increase by which the Australian stock index of all ordinaries (common stocks) rises above a predefined level during the given period.
Definition: Metal purity test to confirm that the metal meets the standards for trading on a commodities exchange (commodities exchange center).
Definition: Metal purity test to confirm that the metal meets the standards for trading on a commodities exchange (commodities exchange center).
Assessed Valuation
Definition: The value assigned to property by a municipality for the purpose of tax assessment. Such an assessed valuation is important to investors in municipal bonds that are backed by property taxes.
Definition: The value assigned to property by a municipality for the purpose of tax assessment. Such an assessed valuation is important to investors in municipal bonds that are backed by property taxes.
Asset Activity Ratios
Definition: Ratios that measure how effectively the firm is managing its assets.
Definition: Ratios that measure how effectively the firm is managing its assets.
Asset Allocation Decision
Definition: The decision regarding how an institution's funds should be distributed among the major classes of assets in which it may invest.
Definition: The decision regarding how an institution's funds should be distributed among the major classes of assets in which it may invest.
Asset Allocation Mutual Fund
Definition: A mutual fund that rotates among stocks, bonds, and money market securities to maximize return on investment and minimize risk.
Definition: A mutual fund that rotates among stocks, bonds, and money market securities to maximize return on investment and minimize risk.
Asset Classes
Definition: Categories of assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and foreign securities.
Definition: Categories of assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and foreign securities.
Asset Depreciation Range System
Definition: A range of depreciable lives the IRS allows for particular classes of assets.
Definition: A range of depreciable lives the IRS allows for particular classes of assets.
Asset For Asset Swap
Definition: Creditors exchange the debt of one defaulting borrower for the debt of another defaulting borrower.
Definition: Creditors exchange the debt of one defaulting borrower for the debt of another defaulting borrower.
Asset Management Account
Definition: Account at a brokerage house, bank, or savings institution that integrates banking services and brokerage features.
Definition: Account at a brokerage house, bank, or savings institution that integrates banking services and brokerage features.
Asset Play
Definition: A company with assets that are not believed to be accurately reflected in its stock price, making it an attractive buy or play.
Definition: A company with assets that are not believed to be accurately reflected in its stock price, making it an attractive buy or play.
Asset Pricing Model
Definition: A model for determining the required or expected rate of return on an asset. Related: Capital asset pricing model and arbitrage pricing theory.
Definition: A model for determining the required or expected rate of return on an asset. Related: Capital asset pricing model and arbitrage pricing theory.
Asset Stripper
Definition: A corporate raider (company A) that takes over a target company (company B) in order to sell large assets of company B to repay debt. Company A calculates that the net, selling off the assets and paying off the debt, will leave the raider with assets that are worth more than what it paid for company B.
Definition: A corporate raider (company A) that takes over a target company (company B) in order to sell large assets of company B to repay debt. Company A calculates that the net, selling off the assets and paying off the debt, will leave the raider with assets that are worth more than what it paid for company B.
Asset Substitution
Definition: Occurs when a firm invests in assets that are riskier than those that the debtholders expected.
Definition: Occurs when a firm invests in assets that are riskier than those that the debtholders expected.
Asset Substitution Problem
Definition: Arises when the stockholders substitute riskier assets for the firm's existing assets and expropriate value from the debtholders.
Definition: Arises when the stockholders substitute riskier assets for the firm's existing assets and expropriate value from the debtholders.