Super Finance Glossary
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Definition: A party appointed to act on behalf of a principal entity or person. In context of project financing, refers to the bank in charge of administering the project financing.
Definition: A party appointed to act on behalf of a principal entity or person. In context of project financing, refers to the bank in charge of administering the project financing.
Agent Institution
Definition: The healthy bank or thrift that accepts the insured deposits and secured liabilities of a failed institution in an insured deposit transfer, in exchange for a transfer of cash from the FDIC.
Definition: The healthy bank or thrift that accepts the insured deposits and secured liabilities of a failed institution in an insured deposit transfer, in exchange for a transfer of cash from the FDIC.
Aggregate Exercise Price
Definition: The exercise price multiplied by the number of shares in a put or call contract. The option premium is excluded in the aggregate exercise price. In the case of options traded on debt instruments, the aggregate exercise price is the exercise price of the underlying security multiplied by its face value.
Definition: The exercise price multiplied by the number of shares in a put or call contract. The option premium is excluded in the aggregate exercise price. In the case of options traded on debt instruments, the aggregate exercise price is the exercise price of the underlying security multiplied by its face value.
Definition: Process in corporate financial planning whereby the smaller investment proposals of each of the firm's operational units are aggregated and effectively treated as a whole.
Definition: Process in corporate financial planning whereby the smaller investment proposals of each of the firm's operational units are aggregated and effectively treated as a whole.
Aggressive Growth Hedge Fund
Definition: In the context of hedge funds, a style of management that focuses primarily on equities that are expected to have strong earnings growth.
Definition: In the context of hedge funds, a style of management that focuses primarily on equities that are expected to have strong earnings growth.
Aggressive Growth Mutual Fund
Definition: A mutual fund designed for maximum capital appreciation that places its money in companies with high growth rates.
Definition: A mutual fund designed for maximum capital appreciation that places its money in companies with high growth rates.
Definition: Used in context of general equities. For a customer it means working to buy or sell one's stock, with an emphasis on execution over price. For a trader it means acting in a way that puts the firm's capital at higher risk through paying a higher price, selling cheaper, or making a larger short sale or purchase than the trader would under normal circumstances.
Definition: Used in context of general equities. For a customer it means working to buy or sell one's stock, with an emphasis on execution over price. For a trader it means acting in a way that puts the firm's capital at higher risk through paying a higher price, selling cheaper, or making a larger short sale or purchase than the trader would under normal circumstances.
Aging Schedule
Definition: A table of accounts receivable broken down into age categories (such as 0-30 days, 30-60 days, and 60-90 days), which is used to determine if customer payments are keeping close to schedule.
Definition: A table of accounts receivable broken down into age categories (such as 0-30 days, 30-60 days, and 60-90 days), which is used to determine if customer payments are keeping close to schedule.
Agreement Among Underwriters
Definition: A contract among participating members of a syndicate that defines the members'proportionate liability, which is usually limited to and based on the participants' level of involvement. The contract outlines the payment schedule on the settlement date. Compare: Underwriting agreement.
Definition: A contract among participating members of a syndicate that defines the members'proportionate liability, which is usually limited to and based on the participants' level of involvement. The contract outlines the payment schedule on the settlement date. Compare: Underwriting agreement.
Agreement Corporation
Definition: Corporation chartered by a state to engage in international banking: so named because the corporation enters into an "agreement" with the Fed's Board of Governors that it will limit its activities to those permitted by an Edge Act Corporation.
Definition: Corporation chartered by a state to engage in international banking: so named because the corporation enters into an "agreement" with the Fed's Board of Governors that it will limit its activities to those permitted by an Edge Act Corporation.
Agreement Of Sale
Definition: Same or similar to "contract to purchase" See "contract to purchase" under "mortgage."
Definition: Same or similar to "contract to purchase" See "contract to purchase" under "mortgage."
Agricultural Trade Option Merchant
Definition: Any person that is in the business of soliciting or entering option transactions involving an enumerated agricultural commodity that are not conducted or executed on or subject to the rules of an exchange.
Definition: Any person that is in the business of soliciting or entering option transactions involving an enumerated agricultural commodity that are not conducted or executed on or subject to the rules of an exchange.
Ahead Of Itself
Definition: In context of general equities, refers to equities that are overbought or oversold on a fundamental basis.
Definition: In context of general equities, refers to equities that are overbought or oversold on a fundamental basis.
Ahead Of You
Definition: Used for listed equity securities. At the same price but entered ahead of your order/interest, usually referring to the specialist's book. See: Behind, matched orders, priority, stock ahead.
Definition: Used for listed equity securities. At the same price but entered ahead of your order/interest, usually referring to the specialist's book. See: Behind, matched orders, priority, stock ahead.
AIMR Performance Presentation Standards Implementation Committee
Definition: The Association for Investment Management and Research (AIMR) Performance Presentation Standards Implementation Committee is charged with the responsibility to interpret, revise, and update the AIMR Performance Presentation Standards (AIMR-PPS(TM) for portfolio performance presentations.
Definition: The Association for Investment Management and Research (AIMR) Performance Presentation Standards Implementation Committee is charged with the responsibility to interpret, revise, and update the AIMR Performance Presentation Standards (AIMR-PPS(TM) for portfolio performance presentations.
Air Freight Consolidator
Definition: An air freight carrier that does not own or operate its own aircraft but ships its cargo with actual equipment operating carriers. Consolidators issue house air waybills to their customers and receive master air waybills from the actual carriers.
Definition: An air freight carrier that does not own or operate its own aircraft but ships its cargo with actual equipment operating carriers. Consolidators issue house air waybills to their customers and receive master air waybills from the actual carriers.
Air Pocket Stock
Definition: A stock whose price drops precipitously, often on the unexpected news of poor results.
Definition: A stock whose price drops precipitously, often on the unexpected news of poor results.