Super Finance Glossary
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After-tax Basis
Definition: The comparison basis used to analyze the net after-tax returns on a corporate taxable bond and a municipal tax-free bond.
Definition: The comparison basis used to analyze the net after-tax returns on a corporate taxable bond and a municipal tax-free bond.
After-tax Real Rate Of Return
Definition: The after-tax rate of return minus the inflation rate.
Definition: The after-tax rate of return minus the inflation rate.
Aged Fail
Definition: An account between two broker/dealers that remains intact 30 days after the settlement date. The receiving firm must adjust its capital as it can no longer treat this account as an asset.
Definition: An account between two broker/dealers that remains intact 30 days after the settlement date. The receiving firm must adjust its capital as it can no longer treat this account as an asset.
Definition: In context of general equities, buying or selling for the account and risk of a customer. Generally, an agent, or broker, acts as intermediary between buyer and seller, taking no financial risk personally or as a firm, and charging a commission for the service. The broker represents a customer buyer/seller to a customer seller/buyer and does not act as principal for the firm's own trading account. Antithesis of principal. See: Dealer.
Definition: In context of general equities, buying or selling for the account and risk of a customer. Generally, an agent, or broker, acts as intermediary between buyer and seller, taking no financial risk personally or as a firm, and charging a commission for the service. The broker represents a customer buyer/seller to a customer seller/buyer and does not act as principal for the firm's own trading account. Antithesis of principal. See: Dealer.
Agency Bank
Definition: A form of organization commonly used by foreign banks to enter the US market. An agency bank cannot accept deposits or extend loans in its own name; it acts as agent for the parent bank. It is also the financial_institution that issues ADRs to the general market.
Definition: A form of organization commonly used by foreign banks to enter the US market. An agency bank cannot accept deposits or extend loans in its own name; it acts as agent for the parent bank. It is also the financial_institution that issues ADRs to the general market.
Agency Basis
Definition: A means of compensating the broker of a program trade solely on the basis of commission established through bids submitted by various brokerage firms.
Definition: A means of compensating the broker of a program trade solely on the basis of commission established through bids submitted by various brokerage firms.
Agency Bond
Definition: A debt security issued by a government-sponsored enterprise such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, designed to resemble a US Treasury bond.
Definition: A debt security issued by a government-sponsored enterprise such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, designed to resemble a US Treasury bond.
Agency Cost View
Definition: The argument that specifies that the various agency costs create a complex environment in which total agency costs are at a minimum with some, but less than 100%, debt financing.
Definition: The argument that specifies that the various agency costs create a complex environment in which total agency costs are at a minimum with some, but less than 100%, debt financing.
Agency Costs
Definition: The incremental costs of having an agent make decisions for a principal.
Definition: The incremental costs of having an agent make decisions for a principal.
Agency Incentive Arrangement
Definition: A means of compensating the broker of a program trade using benchmark prices for issues to be traded in determining commissions or fees.
Definition: A means of compensating the broker of a program trade using benchmark prices for issues to be traded in determining commissions or fees.
Agency Note
Definition: A debt security issued by a government-sponsored enterprise such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, designed to resemble a US Treasury note.
Definition: A debt security issued by a government-sponsored enterprise such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, designed to resemble a US Treasury note.
Agency Pass-throughs
Definition: Mortgage pass-through securities whose principal and interest payments are guaranteed by government agencies, such as the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae), Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), and Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae).
Definition: Mortgage pass-through securities whose principal and interest payments are guaranteed by government agencies, such as the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae), Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), and Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae).
Agency Problem
Definition: Conflicts of interest among stockholders, bondholders, and managers.
Definition: Conflicts of interest among stockholders, bondholders, and managers.
Agency Securities
Definition: Securities issued by federally related institutions and U.S. government-sponsored entities. Such agencies were created to reduce borrowing costs for certain sectors of the economy, such as agriculture.
Definition: Securities issued by federally related institutions and U.S. government-sponsored entities. Such agencies were created to reduce borrowing costs for certain sectors of the economy, such as agriculture.
Agency Theory
Definition: The analysis of principal-agent relationships, in which one person, an agent, acts on behalf of another person, a principal.
Definition: The analysis of principal-agent relationships, in which one person, an agent, acts on behalf of another person, a principal.