Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Things to Consider Before Taking a Car to College

From a student perspective, taking a car to college sounds like a great idea. Many parents, however, take a different stance. It doesn't matter if you are a student or parent, there are things to consider before making this very important decision. If you don't examine the pros and cons in great depth, it could end up causing you a headache in the long run. Here are three of the most important points to consider: Do...
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3754 Hits

5 Things You Should Be Saving For

For many people, spending money is more exciting than saving. Even if this is your belief, it doesn’t mean you should spend every less dime without ever putting any money in the bank. There are many reasons why people neglect to save, with this being one of the biggest culprits: they don’t know what they are saving for. Here are five things you should be saving for: 1. Retirement. At some point you will want to...
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In the event you need to consider what is first? Think "Emergencies" as we have see they can be a life changer such as the weather... Read More
Saturday, 04 December 2021 05:08
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Credit Card Fees: Watch for These

It doesn’t matter if you’re searching for a new credit card or learning more about the one you already have, there’s an important question to answer: are you familiar with the fees associated with the card?Unless you can answer “yes” with 100 percent confidence, you have some work to do. If you’re uncertain of potential credit card fees, one or more of these could sneak up on you in the near future.An annual fee is a...
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Good points to be aware of. Sometimes the fees can offset the advantages of the card rewards.
Tuesday, 30 November 2021 04:32
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The Many Benefits of a Secured Credit Card

Are you having a difficult time obtaining an unsecured credit card? Is this the result of no credit or bad credit? Have you given up on the process?While an unsecured credit card may be out of the question for the time being, there’s another option to consider: a secured credit card.With a secured credit card, you make a cash security deposit upfront that protects the credit card company. If you default, they have the right to...
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3735 Hits

Saving on Groceries: Easier than you Think

When you step foot into a local grocery store or order pickup or delivery online, you will have two things on your mind: Finding and buying everything you needSaving money along the way It is easy to put a variety of items in your cart. It is not so easy to check-out, knowing that the final total could be more than you wanted to spend. With this day in age, things are just plain out getting...
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4017 Hits

Home Equity Loan Fees: They Can Sneak Up On You

There are many reasons to consider a home equity loan. It's a great way to consolidate debt, pay off medical expenses, or take on a home improvement project. However, before you head down this path, you should become familiar with the many fees associated with this type of loan. Should you neglect to do so, you may end up surprised — and that's not a risk you should be willing to take. While every lender is...
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3693 Hits

The Many Benefits of Refinancing your Mortgage

refinance-mortgage-2021 How much can you save on a mortgage refinance?
Are you considering the thought of refinancing your mortgage? Before you make a decision, take a strong look at the potential advantages of doing so. There are times when this makes good sense, and times when you would be better off sticking with your current loan. The decision is up to you, however, you have to know how your finances will be impacted regardless of the decision you make. Lower your Interest Rate Let’s face it:...
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3958 Hits

Affordable Car Insurance Starts with these Three Steps

Are you buying car insurance for the first time? Are you interested in changing to a new provider for one reason or another? If you answer yes to either question, you know that finding affordable, quality coverage is extremely important. As challenging as it may sound, there are steps you can take to find an affordable policy, without giving up anything in terms of coverage. 1. Request multiple quotes. Believe it or not, there are people...
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Some additional information. Insurance Agents have tools today where they can enter the required information for a quote and hit s... Read More
Friday, 25 June 2021 04:23
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Being Frugal Takes the Right Mental Approach

Being frugal is easier said than done. Even though you may be interested in saving money, no matter what it takes, if you don’t have the right mental approach you will find yourself coming up short. Once you change your approach, it will not be long before you are realizing the benefits of living a frugal lifestyle. In fact, you may soon find that this is easier than you ever believed possible. Getting in the right...
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1. Having the strength to say no. 2. Ability to differentiate necessary from unnecessary purchases. and 3. Being patient. The th... Read More
Wednesday, 23 June 2021 08:38
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Introduction of Inflation (Part 2 of 2)

This is part 2 of an overview on inflation. We discuss what the media/experts are saying about inflation and how to protect yourself from high inflation. Please feel free to post any follow up questions or comments in the comments section below. What is the media/experts saying about inflation? By summer, there are many economists that are estimated that the cost of living (i.e. inflation) will be up to 2.0% on a yearly basis and likely...
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3070 Hits

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