From time to time, the self employment bug may bite you. You dream of leaving your corporate job in the past and doing your own thing. While you are familiar with the benefits, such as increased flexibility and the opportunity to make all key decisions, you aren’t sure just yet if this is the right choice for you.
With approximately 10 million self employed workers in the United States alone, it is easy to see that this is an option. But is it the right choice? Before you can answer this question, you need to address several others:
• Do you have an idea that will allow you to branch out on your own?
• Are you okay with the idea of being in charge of every last detail associated with your business?
• Are you in a financial position to make this decision?
• Have you considered both the pros and cons associated with self employment?
• Do you understand what goes into this decision from a tax perspective?
• Do you have a space in your home in which you can work?
• Are you capable of dealing with the stress that is often associated with self employment, especially during the start-up phase?
Once you answer these questions, you will have a clear picture into the future. Do you feel better than ever about your chance of joining the ranks of the self employed? Or do you now have more reservations?
This is not something you should jump into on a whim. Self employment is the right choice for many, but only you know if this is the professional path you should travel. What are you going to do next?