Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Save on Food Costs

Higher grocery bills now and are expected in the futureA weak economy and high inflation is already costing consumers a larger portion of their paychecks for basic needs such as fuel and food. Grocery prices have risen over 5% from January to June in 2008, and they're expected to go up by another 15% in the near future.Times like these leaves many of us looking for ways to save money on our food bill. But it...
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  3078 Hits
3078 Hits

Red Flag Rules - A Standardizing of Identity Theft Prevention Programs

Consumers and businesses suffer from identity theftIdentity theft is a major threat for consumers. Often, a consumer doesn't even realize their identity has been stolen until they've been denied credit and then find the delinquent accounts on their credit report. Then, the consumer may have to write letters, make phone calls, and file police reports to clear up the defaulted accounts that were opened or stolen by the thief. Sometimes it is difficult to prove that...
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  3232 Hits
3232 Hits

26 "Red Flag" Guidelines for the Identity Theft Prevention Program

Creditors and financial institutions are required to develop and implement an Identity Theft Prevention Program by November 1, 2008. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has issued a list of 26 red flags to help give businesses a starting point in developing their program; this is not meant to be an all-inclusive checklist, but rather as a guideline to aid establishments in developing their program to suit the type, size, and complexity of their business. A fraud...
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3056 Hits

Ca High Gas Prices Be Good?

When I first started driving as a teenager, gas was only $.99/gallon. And the car I drove was a Chevy Chevette. Not too glamorous, but I could get to school, work, and play for about five dollars a week. Yes, times have changed, but I think they changed a lot more than any one expected in the way of gas prices. So, what now? Back to the horse and buggy days? Is there a bright side...
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3035 Hits

Low-Cost Entertainment for the Kids

Every parent wants to provide their children with the basic needs, and also enough of the extras to give their kids an enjoyable childhood. But kids don't always know what they need to have fun. You know how it is, they beg and beg for an item because they saw it on TV or their friends have it. You finally shell out the dough to pay for it after you believe that it means that much...
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3161 Hits

Baby on a Budget

You could spend a small fortune preparing for the birth of your child, even before the little angel is born. So many cute outfits, cute bedding sets, and cute toys to choose from, it may be difficult for first-time parents to know what is actually needed and what you can go without. Save on baby gear, and don't deplete your savings or incur debt to welcome your new sweetheart home. It's good practice to control costs...
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3152 Hits

Love and Money - Topics Every Couple Should Discuss

When a couple decides to get married or live together under a joint financial arrangement, there are quite a number of financial subjects that should be dicussed. Couples often mistakenly assume they learned all they need to know about their partner through their courtship, but soon learn differently when they move in together. Talking honestly about those subjects will help a couple understand where they are compatible, compromises that must be made, the type of expenses...
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3095 Hits

Love and Money - How to Have That Talk

Couples may be hesitant to mention the subject of money to each other, either because it's an uncomfortable subject, or because past attempts at the topic have resulted in getting no where. But as difficult as it may be, it's vital that couples communicate to each other about money. Effective communication about money matters will give you both a clear picture of where you are, and where you want to be. Money issues have done damage...
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3241 Hits

Love and Money - Comunication is Key

When couples get together, they're often attracted to their loved one's looks and personality. They have a spark, a knack for communicating with each other. They can laugh about the same things, and enjoy the same type of activities. They may anticipate a future together, sharing a home, having children, and growing old together. These happy couples often plan out their whole life together, but too many of them overlook one major issue that can often...
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  3083 Hits
3083 Hits

Protect Yoursef from Identity Theft

Your identity, it's who you are. It's your name, your date of birth, your Social Security number. You are the only one with that individual set of personal identifying information. Unfortunately, there are crooks out there who want to become you, at least on paper. They want to use your name to take out a loan, get credit cards, or even a driver's license. They may want to use your identity because they're running from the...
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  5019 Hits
5019 Hits