Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Consumer Rights in Auto Reposession

Consumers with an auto loan already know that the vehicle can be repossessed if you don’t abide by the terms of the loan. You’ll never have to worry about this happening as long as you keep paying the monthly installment on time and abide by other terms of the loan, such as - in some states - keeping the lender-required insurance coverage up-to-date. But sometimes things don’t go as planned. Job loss, medical bills, or other...
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  3800 Hits
3800 Hits

Can't Afford Your Auto Loan?

Coming to realize that you can longer afford your car payment can be a very stressful time for anyone. And if you absolutely need a vehicle to get to work or school, or because you live outside of a public transit route, then losing your car to repossession can cause trouble that goes beyond long-lasting credit problems. When people start having a hard time with their car payment, many tend to think it’s all over and...
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  3820 Hits
3820 Hits

Refinancing Your Auto Loan

Sometimes the situation calls for us to take what we can get when we need it. And sometimes that means getting a car loan for less than the best deal around. If that’s the case, have you considered refinancing your auto loan? Refinancing your car loan save you big money on the monthly payment as well as the total interest charges over the life of the loan. Refinancing an auto loan is much like refinancing a...
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  5105 Hits
5105 Hits

Consider the True Cost of Vehicle Ownership

Owning a vehicle costs much more than just the dollar amount of the sticker price. Yes, the down payment and then the monthly payment are the two big numbers to take into consideration when buying a car or truck.But before you make the purchase, consider the other costs involved in owning each particular vehicle you're considering. Here's a few things to think about, research, and add up to get a true cost of ownership for the...
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  3966 Hits
3966 Hits

First Step to Buying a Vehicle - Financing

If you're thinking about buying a vehicle, there are a quite a few things to consider before settling on the car you're going to drive home. But the first thing to think about is how you're going to pay for it. Figure out how much you're willing to pay or how much you can afford, and whether you're going to use cash or credit. Do you have enough money saved to outright purchase it? If you...
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  7032 Hits
7032 Hits

Getting the Best Auto Financing

Nearly anyone can find a dealership that will give some type of financing for their next vehicle. But getting the best deal on a car loan - and saving money on those monthly payments - will require that you go in prepared.Before you apply for any type of credit, it's always good to know where your credit rating stands. But for big-ticket items like autos and homes, it is an absolute must that you get your...
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  5720 Hits
5720 Hits